Thursday, October 21, 2010

October Update Found!

It’s been a long few months. I can’t believe that August was my last update. Almost two full months!! Everything’s been crazy with Peanut, life, and all that fun stuff. Life has been all over the place. It’s been a fun challenge learning to juggle work, being a mom, being a wife, and just being plain ole me!

Work is work. I don’t hate it, but I really would rather be home. There are so many things I want to do with my life that doing the job I do makes me feel like I’m wasting it away. Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoy my job. It’s just not what I pictured I would be doing with my life. I also don’t get that satisfaction of a “job well done”. It doesn’t help that we are really slow and doing very mundane tasks to keep busy. It’s the work that has been put off for years since there were other pressing matters. Plus, my heart is at daycare at the moment.

As for being a mom, well, where do I start? It’s the most magnificent job in the world. Yes, it’s hard, demanding, exhausting, and so many other adjectives that I won’t go into. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. That little girl is my entire world and it revolves around that little blue eyed blonde hair ball of sweetness. It helps greatly that she is 100% a mama’s girl, at least at the moment. I love her with every fiber of my being.

There is that part of me that goes, “Wait, I’m a MOM?!?! WTF did that happen?” So many times I don’t see myself as a “Mom”, but I do always see myself as Peanut’s Mama. I guess I thought I would feel like the view I saw my own mom as. But I don’t. I still feel like me, not like what I always saw my mom as. It wasn’t what I thought motherhood would be, but I guess I did somewhere in my subconscious, I did. Peanut is such an amazing girl. She fascinates me more than anything in the world. When she rolls over, I get so excited. When she grabs for a toy, when she tries to crawl, when she eats, well, you get the picture. Everything she does is so amazing to me.

I never knew I could love so much. I also didn’t know I could pray so much! I pray for her to sleep just one more hour. Pray for her stuffy nose to go away. Pray for her to be protected when I cannot. Pray that I can be the mother she needs and be a good mother to her. Pray that she grows strong and happy. Pray that she isn’t spoiled to the point she cannot live without me. Yes, that is a scary thought, but I think losing my own mother at sixteen puts things into perspective differently for you.

Yes, I get tired of always saying that my mom isn’t around, but it is SO much a part of my life that I feel I do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August Update!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I last updated... So sorry for that. It’s been a trying time with Peanut, since it’s been a fairly busy month for her (as well as for Rob and I). I’m not sure where to start, so here’s goes on bringing y’all up to speed on the past month!

7/22, Peanut got a double ear infection. That sucked, but it cleared up within a week with antibiotics and after she was happy-go-lucky Peanut again.
7/25-8/1, Peanut started to roll from her back to her belly. She doesn’t do it often, and most of the time she gets stuck in a contortionist like move, where her head will be looking up, and her legs will be twisted to be knees down. It looks uncomfortable, but apparently she’s enjoying it! She’s also really enjoying her exersauser now that she can play with things. She realized that if she hits the different toys, they make different noises. Rob also worked the Boy Scout 100th Jamboree and got to meet Mike Rowe. How cool is that?!?!?
8/11, Peanut had her 4 mo check up. She weighed in at 14 lbs 2 oz and was 23.5 in long. The doctor gave us the go-ahead for solids. She’s also been batting at objects like crazy now. She finds it hilarious to hit the toys that make noise!
8/12, Rob got the new job!!!! We’d been praying for him to get the position, so when he got the call, we were ecstatic. We assumed he’d start the day after Labor Day, but his former employer let him go within the first week, so he starts today! Thank goodness that the new job decided to let him start earlier than anticipated because that would have sucked otherwise!!!!
8/13, Peanut cut both her bottom two teeth!!!! Man, are those little suckers sharp as anything!
8/14, we tried solids for her, but her tummy didn’t appreciate it! She did enjoy avocados and the bananas though. She keeps trying to eat our food any time she sees us eating.
8/17, Peanut began the 4 mo regression stage. FML. It’s still going strong, well, not AS strong, but she started waking up again every 2-3 hours, where before she was finally sleeping and only waking once a night then up for the day around 6-7. The past 2 days she’s been up 2 times (bed at 7, up at 11, 2-3ish, then up around 5 for the day), which is much better but still sucks.
8/ 18, Rob got a new car. We purchased a 2009 slightly used Volkswagen Jetta. It gets much better gas mileage than his 2004 Dodge Dakota, so at least that’s a bonus. Especially since he’s going to be driving from our place to practically NYC (not going INTO the city at least). We’re keeping the truck for now since we’ll still need to haul stuff and it’ll be nice to have an extra vehicle on hand in case one of our other cars needs work or an oil change, etc.
8/21, Peanut got ANOTHER cold. Boo!!! At least the doctor said it’s not her ears this time. She’s just got a stuffy nose and most likely a headache and sore throat (I know this because she gave the darn thing to me too). Other than that, she was quite the happy baby this weekend. Which made me very sad to take her into daycare this morning. She's starting to discover she's got feet. It's too funny. She grabs at them, then squeals and they move because she kicks her legs then she gets frustrated because she can't get them. Oh man, the HOURS of entertainment I'm getting from this little child!!!!

After all this is said and done, I’m still trying to find time to knit. I’m ALMOST done Jess’ wedding gloves. Now whether she’ll wear them or even need them, is up to her. I won’t be offended if she doesn’t. I’m still working slowly on my Tiger Eye Lace Scarf. I only have 3 more episodes of True Blood to finish it. I WILL FINISH A KAL!!!!! And I’ve also started on Becky’s belated birthday present which is a blue and white Mohawk hat in Penn State colors for football season. I’m hoping to have that done this week. I’ve ripped out the sides so many times because I ALWAYS forget that the sides pick up stitches every TWO rows not EVERY row. UGH! But that’s really it. I’m hoping to get some craft projects up and on my etsy site by mid September to sell. How awesome would that be? Maybe I can convince Rob for me to be a stay at home mom?!?! Ahh, that’s be nice!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Mid July Update!

I’ve been working on my stories. Right now, Black Tulip has been in my head. I’ve got the entire story laid out in an outline form, but now I’ve gotta actually write it. It’s like Emily and Jer are BEGGING me to write their stories. I keep trying to work on it, but if I’m not listening to the right music, I can’t get into it. My inspirations are bands like Shinedown, Halestorm, Ramstien, Lacuna Coil, Tantric, Fair to Midland, Breaking Ben, Seether, and more. It’s quite amusing to know that I cannot write the story well if I’m not listening to these.

I swear I’m still knitting, though just not as much as before. Peanut keeps most of my attention when I’m home. I love that, but there are times I cannot wait for her to be able to do things like color, play with toys, etc so I can get things done around the house. But it’s okay. I’m sure once she’s doing all of that, I’ll be wishing she was little and only wanted to be held all the time. She is so cute and adorable though!

Back to knitting, I’m still working on my Tiger Eye Lace Scarf. I’ve got 12 full repeats done on both sides and am still going strong. I thought I’d only be able to get 11 done before I ran out of yarn. Boy was I wrong! I’ll probably be able to get 17 or 18 repeats done before I run out. But that’s only 450 yards of yarn, and I need to use up 900 before the end of August. I don’t think I’ll be able to get Jess’ wedding shawl done for her wedding over labor day. Maybe I can convince Rob for a few hours each week to take care of the baby while I knit this thing! Who knows. It’s hard though, because I’m breastfeeding so I’d need to stop every 3 hours anyway (or sooner!). Ahh, the things we do for our little kids! But they’re so worth it!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

Man, there are times that I really miss her. I know she would’ve made an awesome Grandma, probably spoiling Peanut rotten. I know she would have definitely been the first one to give my little girl candy. She had such a sweet tooth! I just wish that I could have her around to ask her questions about what it was like when I was little. My dad, bless his heart, doesn’t remember (it’s honestly okay!!) but it would be nice to know if my little girl does things that I did as a baby or not. Mom would have been 53 this year. My parents would have celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this year as well, back on May 24. That’s ten years of birthdays and anniversaries that won’t happen, which makes me sad. But I know my mom is still with us. I feel her presence almost every day. I know she is Peanut’s guardian angel. Not many babies have two grandparents for guardian angels, but this little one does.

In other news, I’ve been able to knit a bit again. Mostly on weekends and during my lunch break at work. I’m generally too exhausted when I get home and need to nurse, bathe, and get the Peanut to bed. That’s okay though. I enjoy every minute I have with her, even if I’m exhausted beyond belief! But with Season 3 of True Blood starting this past weekend, my rav group has decided to do a KAL with the Tiger Eyed Lace Scarf; more in honor of Quinn (not part of the show yet). I decided to use this colorway because it reminded me of Louisiana with its kinda merky, muddy greens, blues, and pinks. I’m working on the scarf from both ends because I’m doing the grafting version. I’m thinking I should be able to get 10-11 pattern repeats on both sides, but that’s why I’m working them together; to make sure I have enough yarn to do it all! So far, so good. Hooray! I’m also using this as half my Phoenix mission for my BSG FPB group. Maybe I’ll be able to get some more knitting done this week while Rob’s out working. Who knows with the Peanut. If she’s too fussy, then alas, I won’t.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Baseball & Peanuts

Here's Peanut at her first Iron Pigs baseball game!!!! She was really good for it! We had a double header so it started early (6 pm). We only stayed through the first game (we lost)... We didn't want to push our luck!!!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Two Months!!!!

I went back to work on last Tuesday, for those who didn't know already! I dropped the Peanut off at daycare in the morning then sped off to work, trying not to think about it. I was pretty okay the first day, since I was busy with getting a bunch of things done at work. Wednesday was easier to drop her off, but harder throughout the day. It is getting better and easier, but still sucks. At least I know she's doing great for them there.

We had our 2 month check up today. When did TWO months go by?!?!? She got 5 shots and by the last 2, she was just looking at me wondering WHY she was still getting stuck when she was screaming her little mouth off. She's now weighing 11 lbs even and is 22 inches. Apparently, she was only 19 inches at birth according to the pedi and how they measured her in the hospital. St. Luke's measured her at 21.5 inches. Doctor said she's doing great and was wondering what I was feeding her, miracle grow?!?! LOL, so I guess she's doing great!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here's Peanut!!!

Born 4/8/2010 at 9:46 PM, weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long with an APGAR score of 9/9. Below is her birth story!

I woke up with contractions pretty different and painful. I decided to stay out of work and at least call the doctor's office. I knew they weren't open until 8:30 so I waited. I assumed it was another false alarm. Well, after going to the doctor's around 10 (not getting in until 10:30) I came back home to meet Rob since I was 80% and 2-3 cm. Got into my room in L&D around noon. Contractions weren't increasing or anything and I wasn't progressing so the dr broke my water at 1:40. Contractions actually slowed down a bit after that and didn't get any more intense. By 4, I was only at 3-4 and the dr ordered me to start on Pitocon. I was on Stadol twice between 5 and 7ish. I definitely wanted the epidural by then, but I never ended up getting it. I was told later that the anesthesiologist was busy with a woman who was attempting to deliver twins vaginally then c-section, then ended up with vaginally and he never made it to me. I went from 5 cm to 8 in 20 minutes... So I pushed about 9 or 10 times in about a half hour, and Peanut was born!!!! She was crying, well, more waaahhhing than crying.

I did feel myself tear, but it was in the front. I was not expecting to feel it tear. So after, I needed to be stitched, but they said they weren't deep. However, they ran out of the numbing solution so I felt the stitches. After about an hour, I started feeling pretty lightheaded all of a sudden so I had Rob go out and get the nurse. Apparently I was having a clotting problem and too swollen. I had to have the doctor go in and remove the clots that weren't allowing my uterus to contract. Again, no meds.... that hurt worse than anything else, and then they realized that I hadn't emptied my bladder so I got catheterized too. Finally after all that was done it was about 3 or so in the morning.

Good news is, I'm doing great now. Peanut is breastfeeding like a champ too!!!! She's been really quiet and sleeping a lot. Rob's been awesome with taking care of both her and I! Oh, and our nurse was AMAZING. She made it so much better for me and kept the air light and funny. She even prayed with us before Peanut came!

The first night home was a bit rough, but I think we're figuring it out. She's currently sleeping in her little bouncer right next to me and I might even get a few minutes of shut eye tonight! I can only hope!!!!!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Baby Update: Week 38

I'm 38 weeks! Holy cow, where did the past 9 months go? I need to remind myself that I'm almost done. And yea, it does not feel like that. Rolling out of bed is hard (seriously, it's ridiculous!!), getting up from being seated for longer than 20 minutes is difficult. Heck, even walking can be painful! But I'm trying to keep a happy face because I know in the end, I get my little girl and it's all worth it!

Rob and I went to the doctor’s today for my 38 week check up and an ultrasound to measure the Peanut. Well, she's doing great, good heartbeat, and moving like crazy still. No change in regards to positioning or cervical things. But our little Peanut is no longer a little peanut. She’s measuring at 7.5 lbs roughly. The u/s can be up to a half pound off, but really! I was expecting to hear 6 maybe 6.5 lbs. LOL, and then I went, "Well, that's great, because I've only gained ~20 lbs so most of that is the baby, Sweeeeet!!" At least she's healthy and apparently very happy hanging out. So Rob and I have finally told ourselves that she's going to end up coming late and we'll just deal with it. What else can we do? Honestly?

The doctor did recommend for me to get at least 30 minutes in each day of walking or some other form of exercise. That shouldn't be too much of a problem now that it's getting nice out again. Lots of trails and paths to walk around here, but Rob laughs at my slow waddle! He's so nice that way. At least he's able to make me smile through all of this and he does do lots of sweet things. He does laugh at my jiggling belly, my nonexistent intelligence, slowness, crazy appetite that’s over after 2 bites, and basically everything that really is funny but you shouldn't laugh at the pregnant girl stuff.

I do have to say how aggravating hearing people at work saying, "are you still here?!?!" "didn’t you have the baby yet?" "Aren’t you miserable being here?" It's such a pain in the butt. I really want to snap at them and say, "Yup, had the baby last night, but I figured I'd come in today anyway..." Seriously, I know people are trying to be nice and make conversation, but after hearing it from 20-40 people in about 15 minutes, it's Old and Fast!! I just remind people that I'm not due for another 2 weeks at least and I plan on working up to the day I deliver (which might be a week after she’s due!). Just smile and nod, is what my Dad always told me! Oh, and the amusing calls I get all the time asking if I've had the baby yet. Don't worry, I'm sure Rob'll have it either posted to Facebook within minutes of Peanut's arrival or have called everyone in a 50 mile radius!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baby Update: Week 37 Full Term!

So I'm now Full Term! A full 37 weeks pregnant. When did this happen? How did I manage to hit the 9th month of pregnancy?!?! There are 19 days left until my little one's due date but we're not sure if she's going to hold out that long. But then again, she may decide to hang out longer.

I was in the hospital again Saturday night with contractions 3-4 minutes apart. Still no progress with cervical changes so I'm not in "labor" but it sure feels like it. I'm still having contractions about 15 minutes apart sometimes less, sometimes more. It sucks, but what can you do. I'm still hanging out and just waiting. Basically, unless they get so unbearable that I can't walk/stand or my water breaks, I'm just going to go about my daily business. I'm not going to lie, it SUCKS. I'm tired because I'm waking up every hour or less with them or Peanut kicking me (even last night, I was laying on one side and she woke me up because I must have been squishing her, so I explained to her that she'd have a whole heck of a lot more room if she just sucked it up and came out!), the contractions hurt, but the worst part is I can't think when having them. My brain pretty much just shuts up and I can't form coherent sentences... Which is why I'd rather email or text than talk on the phone. It's hard to have a conversation when you have to stop every 3 minutes. Oh, and yes, I'm still working.

I was at the doctor's yesterday, still no progress. I'll be having an ultrasound to see exactly how big Peanut's measuring (weight and length) and to check the fluid around her next Wednesday, April 7th, if she doesn't come out sooner. I ended up losing a couple pounds this past week too. The doctor's not worried but he did say that when you start losing is when they say you're in labor... Unfortunately they cannot induce me until 39 weeks at least unless it's medically necessary, if she's big enough. Peanut's doing great and I'm doing alright so there's no medical reason to induce at this point. So I'm just holding my breath until either my water breaks or next Wednesday. At least now, I'm considered Full Term, even though I'm about 3 weeks from my due date.

I keep telling Peanut how popular she already is and how many people cannot wait to meet her. Daddy is getting extremely ansty to meet her as well. I'm still getting blamed for "keeping the Peanut hostage", but honestly, I'd love to meet her. I know she'll come out when she's good and ready, and I certainly don't want her coming out if her lungs aren't fully developed. I'm not that selfish. I want her to come out soon, but only if she's healthy and ready. Though trying to push her to come out sooner would be good. And hey, if she wants to be here by Easter, I'd be okay with that too. Guess we're just going to play the waiting game for now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Update: Week 36

Just wanted to let you all know I'm now 36 weeks!!! I can't believe she's due in 27 days. Now when she actually arrives is a mystery to me!!! I have another doctor appointment this afternoon to check up on her. I think she's dropped actually, but the doctor will be able to tell me that today. I'm still having contractions, but they're more sporatic over the weekend. I was told to stay off my feet, so that's what I did. I did make the curtains and bumper this weekend though. They're super cute. I'll post the photos soon!

Rob actually got the dresser from Sue's (SHOCK). We need to take it to his uncle's to have one of the drawer's glued back together but aside from putting a few nails in the bottom of the rest of the drawers and scraping off a bit of mold from the inside of the door, it's ready to go! Now all we need to do is put up the teddy bear stickers!!! Rob's going to take a bunch of photos with the good camera when it's all set up and ready to go! I can't wait. He also put together the swing.

Honestly, now we have everything set up for Peanut, so we're ready for her whenever she comes! I'm so excited to meet her at this point!!! Rob yells at me everyday to "share the Peanut" and "it's not fair that you hog all the Peanut time. I'm the daddy, and I want to play with her!!!". I can't wait to see who she ends up looking like, what color her hair and eyes are, and how small her little feet will be!!!! I'm going nuts with cleaning though. I have my excel spreadsheet and it's in order by room and priority! Rob laughs at me and I've been limited to doing only an hour of work a night on weekdays and I can do up to 4 on the weekends, as long as I only work for an hour at a time, then rest for 2. Is it sad that I need to be rationed on my cleaning and organizing?!?! I'm way too organized for my own good. The house is clean, I'm just going nuts!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Another Update at 35 Weeks

Yea, I know I did one earlier this week, but guess what... when I'm getting contractions every 10 or so minutes for about 15-20 hours, you guys get regular updates!!!! Have you seen the Office episode with the baby delivery? Yea, that's how I feel right now. It seems all the girls are interested in how often my contractions are and how intense. It's great... I'm waiting for Steve Catrell to jump out and say he's got the car ready to go... lol.

I was in L&D on Tuesday to monitor me and the Peanut. I thought my water broke (but turns out it wasn't...). Even though I was having contractions regularly (though not intensely), I wasn't "progressing" enough. They gave me some medicine to slow down the contractions from 2-3 minutes to only 8-10 minutes apart. I'm 1-2 cm dialated but not effaced at all and she was really high earlier this week, but now she's dropped a bit. I really hope she holds off for another week since I'm only 36 weeks on Sunday. They won't try to stop me again, though if I go in now. I also hope she holds off because Dad is going to be in Arizona this week on vacation!

Rob is definitely ready, he says. He keeps telling/asking her if she's coming out yet. He put the stroller and carseat together yesterday and is fascinated with how little the room is in the carseat, especially with the infant items in there. The only thing we haven't set up yet is the swing and we're waiting for Rob to get rid of the old TV still sitting in the Living Room... I've been waiting on that one for over a year. Oh, and we're picking up the dresser from Sue's house on Saturday. Other than that, I've just about finished the curtains and then I'll need to do the bumper and we're actually ready to go.

Watch, with all these contractions, she'll still wait until she's a week late.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Missions and Update

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve updated my knitting blog, long in googleweb time at least. I actually got a lot of things accomplished in the past month. We had the Ravelympics, which is the online group, Ravely, knitting competition while the Olympics are on. So my BSG group was a team and we put different missions on hold for the month of February. We did pretty well, I think as a group in general!

Before the start, I was able to complete two hats. One was a hat that I had started over the summer and needed to seam the sides up. I ended up gifting that to one of my online birth buddies. It looked so cute all stitched up!

The next project I did was for my Sister-In-Law (SIL) boyfriend’s mom. She wanted a hat to give to her granddaughter in Florida. I didn’t know at the time that she was going down on February 10, 2010. I was sewing slowly until she told me that one. Whoops. So I moved on that and was able to sell it to her before she left. Her granddaughter LOVED the hat! Purple with a bright pink flower on it. Awesome!

Angelina's Hat

So February 12 was the beginning of the Ravelympics. Little did I know that my hubby was flying in my BFF in from California for my baby shower weekend! So Laura, Rob, and I ended up going out both Friday and Saturday nights. Boy was I exhausted. I hadn’t gone out so much or so late since getting pregnant. I felt so bad too on Saturday night, they were both drinking and having a great time and I was so miserably tired that I went to bed before they were even ready! Check out my loot below!


That being said, I was able to complete SIX whole hats in two weeks. Yes, they’re baby hats, but STILL six hats that were the same pattern gets old after a while. But I did it! And I got all but two in the mail to the girls on my birth board. I’m waiting on one to get me her address and another, I’m meeting sometime soon in person since we live close.

Leaf Hats

After all these baby knits, Rob asked me what I made for Peanut. Well, nothing yet, so I found this awesome patterned Baby Beret hat to make. I was able to make it for one of the BSG March Missions!!! It took me all of five days to make, and would’ve been quicker, but we ended up getting the carpet done in the baby room halfway through the week. I got distracted by organizing the room for the baby! Oops again! But the hat turned out so nice.

Peanut's Beret 1

The room turned out pretty cool too! The walls were painted weeks ago, and the carpet looked so spiffy. Rob had the crib AND changing table together before I even got home from work. I was definitely impressed. So I sorted my old boxes out of the closets and reorganized baby items and my yarn stash in the two. Awesome.

My second mission for BSG, I decided to finally try my hand in Fair Isle knitting. At The Knitter’s Edge, they were doing a group knit of a cute Tam hat by Patton’s Yarn, I believe, but I could be wrong. I’ll have to see when I get home. I had a few questions but was able to knit it up in a WEEK!!! Sweet, I couldn’t believe it.


I stayed up knitting to avoid thinking about things. I finished it late on Saturday night, and on Sunday, my darling kitties of almost seven years were being adopted by a friend’s Brother-In-Law (BIL). It was extremely sad for me to do, but they left me little choice. They had been going after the baby items recently and I didn’t want to chance them actually attacking Peanut when she came home. Plus, we did convert my craft/kitty room to the baby’s room. I also felt so badly because I haven’t had any time to give them love or affection that they needed. They weren’t allowed in the bedrooms upstairs or on any furniture because hubby’s allergic... so I finally broke down and found a new home for them. I was not a happy person on Sunday evening or even since then. I miss them tremendously.



So back to knitting, I’ve been working on Peanut’s blanket more and more, since I’ve realized that I’m 36 days away from her due date!! I can’t believe that one! She’s due 4/18/2010. Time’s flown by. I also still need to make the curtains for her room and the crib bumper. Hopefully tonight, I’ll be able to focus on one or both of those items. I have everything; I just need to MAKE it!

My third mission for BSG this month will be Trever’s birthday present. I just hope I can get it done in the next few weeks. I don’t see why I couldn’t, but I’m nesting horribly now and even have a spreadsheet list organized of things I want to get done around the house!!! Oh lordy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Update: Week 35

Not too new to report, just getting bigger! Thursday will be an official MONTH away! I've had a few bouts of nervousness, but mostly, I'm just excited to meet her. I can't wait to see who she looks like (though I know at first she'll look like a weird alien thing) and what her personality will be like. And in case you didn't hear, I found the kitties a new home. They had been going after all the baby items recently, and we started fearing that they would attempt some serious damage with Peanut if I turn my back. Besides, they haven't been getting the attention recently that they needed. So my animal lover coworker said her brother-in-law was looking for a cat and decided to take both. He's got a 5 bedroom home with plenty of hiding spaces and windows to bird watch about an hour north of here in the Pocono's. It was pretty heartbreaking to see them off, but I honestly think it was the best thing for them. They left me with loads of scratches all over my hands and arms to remember them by, wasn't that sweet of them?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Update: Week 34

Wow, okay, so when I looked at my newest belly photo th other day, it was a "wow, where the heck did that belly come from?!?!?" Just had my 34 week check up yesterday and the doctor was saying we're measuring right on schedule and he's happy with my weight gain. He's not too worried about my hip pain or my dizziness. He says it's from Peanut sitting on my sciatic nerve (oh joy), but we don't really want her to move because she's in a great birth position. I have 2 weeks until my next appointment, then I start going weekly!!! It's getting close. I'm just getting so excited to meet her!!!!

Monday, February 08, 2010

30 Weeks and Lots of Knitting Energy!

I was able to complete my Convertible Gloves I made for Jess' mom. And I got them done by my own personal deadline of February 5!!! I even was able to put buttons on them. Jess loved them, so hurray! I modified the mitten portion again! I did 22 rows of the stockinette stitch for the back of the hand, and the ribbing on the palm side. After that, I did a K1, SSK, knit to last 3 stitches on back of hand, K2TOG, K1. For the palm of the hand I did a similar pattern of K1, SSK, continue in rib to last 3 stitches on palm of hand, K2TOG, K1. I did this until there were 12 stitches total, 6 along the back of the hand, 6 along the front. I then grafted them together as if it were the toe of a sock. Once that was done, I made a quick loop that fit around the button I sewed onto the back of the hand ribbing portion at the wrist of the glove. They turned out wonderfully, I think. And I can't wait to see what Jess' mom's reaction will be. She has no idea that I made them!


Convertibles with Fingers Shown


Convertibles with Fingers Covered

I'm creating a hat for a friend's mom to give to her granddaughter. She's leaving to see her granddaughter this week. I didn't realize this until Saturday. However, yesterday, at the Superbowl party we were at, I was able to get 3/4 of the hat done. I should be able to have it done before she leaves! I'm so excited to get it done. I found the perfect flower to knit onto the hat too. It's a basic hat pattern for the background, but I found a flower scarf that I'll be modifying to put on the hat. I cannot wait to see how it turns out!

I was able to get Crystal her matching hats for her and Hannah. They are so cute together. She was thrilled to see them and put them on. Luckily, both hats fit perfectly well. I told Crystal whenever Hannah grows out of that one, to let me know and I'll keep making her newer ones!!! And she liked the blanket. YAY!

And at lunch, I got my friend's baby hat done. I hope it gets over to her before she moves! I'll be sending it via USPS, but probably overnight it. It was stupid of me to wait until today to mail it, but there was no way I was driving out in the snow on Saturday. Rob's car could barely handle it; I cannot imagine how terrible my car would have been!


Oh, and here's my 30 week photo! I cannot believe that it's been 30 weeks already. I'm not ready for Peanut to get here quite yet. The carpet in her room needs to be installed and then we need to put furniture together and in the room. We only have 2 outfits for her too, but Dana assures Rob that I won't need to purchase clothes for Peanut for a long, LONG time!

Full Side View - 30 Weeks

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Has It Really Been 10 Years?!

What a difference 10 years makes. I mean, seriously, have you looked back on your life, your surroundings, and the world and how much has changed over the past 10 years? I ask this because as of next Sunday, February 14, 2010, my world forever changed, 10 years ago.

As far as time in the world surrounding, there was an entire two term president that my Mom never knew about. Two presidents that she knew and voted for passed away after she did. 9/11 never happened when she was alive. She never knew about airport security since before she passed, you could travel right to the gate with your loved one to watch them board the plane. Huge corporations began to collapse, eventually over lending and people buying homes they couldn't afford lead us to the place we're in now. My Mom was a conservative, so I'm sure I would hear her complain about those people who bought houses that they could never afford. Two invasions of Middle Eastern countries occurred and we still have troops over there. Katrina and other natural disasters (the Sumatra Earthquake, Haiti Earthquake) have occurred that could not even be imagined years ago.

Pop music culture has changed drastically! When she was sick, Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears were the most listened to music on the radio and Faith Hill and Tim McGraw where on top of the world in the country world. Now the two seem to have merged with people like Lady Antebellum and Taylor Swift. Lady Gaga and Nickleback have taken over many pop stations as has numerous R&B groups. Hollywood has run out of ideas for new and interesting movies. Instead, we get too many remakes or older book conversions or comic book heroes. But I still watch them just as much as ever!

In my own hometown, so many farm fields have disappeared to many housing developments thanks to out of control contractors who are now out of business... Meyer's Restaurant and Bakery closed up years ago, which made the best birthday cakes in the world! A whole new middle school has been built. The traffic along Rt. 309 is a crawl once rush hour hits or a holiday weekend is going on. Many new stores and shopping centers packed along a small stretch of highway. The place is hardly recognizable to me now and I realize it is no longer my home.

At the house where Dad still lives, nothing much has been improved or changed. Some weathering has occurred and Dad is now trying to reinsulate the downstairs bathroom. The barn hasn't been cleaned out or even touched since Mom's horse, Tosca, had to be put down. All the cats that we had when Mom was alive have been hit on the road or otherwise died except Suzy who loves tearing up Dad's couch! I remember when we bought that couch! It was from Ethan Allen! I was chatting with Dad last night and he told me a sad truth. He's lived in the farmhouse now longer without my mom than with her, by 3 years.

As for me, I know I've come full circle in the past 10 years. I was a goodie-too-shoe back in high school as a junior in my second semester. I had two proms (junior and senior), graduated from high school. I then went out to Arizona to attend the same college both my parents attended and met at. I started as an Astronomy Major then switched to Geology. I got a bit crazy and was somewhat of a wild child (a term my Dad used for Mom when she was in school). I dated a guy for too many years in a bad relationship that I thought I deserved. When I went on field camp (a month long camping trip to study rocks and all sorts of fun things like that!), I realized how freeing getting away from Tucson was for me. I spent the following month after that with my Dad over the summer. I realized how much I missed him and the East Coast seasons! The following semester I graduated after 4.5 years with a BS in Geosciences with an emphasis in Geological Engineering and Geophysics. When I moved back, I got a job almost immediately for a firm down in Philly. I had a blast going out with friends and dating, but became broke almost instantly! I lived there for about a year before realizing I was definitely NOT a city girl! It also didn't help that I met a country boy who lived north of my Dad. We dated for a week, but then I was introduced as his girlfriend at a party and I was not ready for that. Unfortunately, I fled for a while. But Rob's friend, Tara, talked to him for weeks to convince him not to give up on me. She is the whole reason why we stayed friends. She understood what I was feeling and how I wasn't ready for a relationship, and definitely not ready for the relationship that was about to change my entire life. We began dating, again, but this time seriously, after Tara was killed in a car wreck. After a few months of dating, we decided to move in together, much to Dad's dismay! I found a new job shortly after, still about an hour away. Then, Rob proposed to me on 9/8/07 in Virginia Beach. I found a job closer to where we lived in March of '08 and then we purchased our first home in June '08. Later that year, we were married in front of friends and family on 10/11/08. It was a bittersweet day, knowing both Mom and Rob's Dad were not physically there. But that day still remains the happiest day of my life so far. Now, Rob and I are expecting our first child, a girl to be named Tara Grace, after our friend as a tribute to her. We were never able to thank her while she was alive so we felt this is the best way to honor her.

Ten years is a long time, but yet, at the same time, it feels like just yesterday that Mom and I were out in the garden pulling weeds or going swimming or riding our horses. I only hope to be this close to my own daughter, yet remain a good and vigilant parent. I am scared of what the future holds, but at the same time, I try to focus on the positives in my life. I feel as though I have learned a good deal of life, though certainly not enough to consider myself intelligent on the subject. I passed that phase of 'know it all' once I met Rob and he changed my entire world and gave me something to look forward to, living ever day thanking God for the blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Almost 28 Weeks!!!!!

Ah, another month almost done for BSG FPB. Boo! Time is flying way too much. And I don't like it. At least, I don't like it when it concerns my knitting or how quickly my pregnancy is going by! However, I was able to get one RR done so far with another one started.

I was able to complete Crystal's Matching Hat. It was an easy knit. I made it to match her daughter's hat and made a small 2x2 rib for the bottom instead of the ruffle. I kept the enlarging part at the top until it fit my own head. I roughly measured it out and figured 17 repeats of the pattern would give me 137 stitches total and then I did stockinette stitch for 5 inches. Then I was able to complete 8 rows of the 2x2 rib. I was able to finish with about 4 inches of yarn to spare! Woohoo! I was afraid I'd need another skein to finish hers, but I didn't have to bother. That made me happy!

I was talking with Jess the other day, when I was getting my glucose test done (and I passed, YAY). She absolutely loved her gloves and wears them everywhere. She also told me that her mom kept trying to steal them. So I offered to make a pair for her mom. She instantly took me up on the offer! Woohoo. So I purchased the yarn on Tuesday night when I was The Knitter's Edge. It's a light bluish-gray with a bit of purple. She even offered to pay me. So based on the amount the yarn cost me and a small work fee because it's Jess, I told her about $35 and she was completely cool with that. I told her to hold onto it until I got them done. I'd like to finish them for the Water RR by January 30, but my realistic goal is February 5. I'll have to post a photo later when I take a photo of how it's coming out.

Another thing I have been working on is my list of knits I'd like to make in the upcoming months. I even put it into an excel spreadsheet and uploaded to the google documents set. I've got a bunch I'll be making for my BBC girls from my Lil' Jelly Beans group. I hope they decide to send me their addresses or else I'll have to tell them all that I'm making them things (and Hannah, if you're reading this, keep your mouth shut ;) because I want it to be a surprise!). We have the ravelympics coming up that coincide with the Winter Olympics. I'm going to see if I can get all the items knitted between February 12-28. It's a big commitment but I think I'll be able to do it. I just hope I don't end up sick again. It seems that every time I plan on getting a lot of knitting done, it happens. Boo!
But Peanut's doing great. She's definitely a she, as we found out on Tuesday again. She's been an active little nut too. I can't believe I'm already in my third trimester. It's been going so fast. I'm just excited that Dad and DH are helping to paint the nursery. I can't wait until we get it all set up. I just cannot wait. Weee!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January Knits!

It’s been a long few weeks. I was able to relax recently, but that’s been because I’ve been sick. I’ve had an upper respiratory infection that turned into a horrible cough/pneumonia. I was put on bed rest for 5 days and will be having two half days at work the next two days. I’m still a bit weak but getting much better after being put on the Z-pack antibiotic. Peanut’s still k
icking like crazy and moving and shaking. Her new thing has been to stick her butt out on the right side of my belly. It’s quite amusing and comical.

As for knitting, I was able to get a bunch of things done in November and early December. First, I finally finished Crystal’s baby blanket for Hannah. It’s only 9 months late, but it’s done. I was going to give it to her over New Years, but I was sick and didn’t go out.

She had also asked me to make a new hat for Hannah with the same hat as I made for the Jester Hat way back when. I completed that in one day right before I got sick. She also requested that I make a matching one for her, but I’m still working on that. That’s what I get for being sick for two weeks!

For the FPB, I was able to complete my Cylon socks. They ROCK! I love how they turned out. And they’re very warm.

Also, I completed Jess’ winter gloves. They are very warm and she was able to try them on and LOVES them. I just hope she’s able to get good use out of them.

We had a swap for the FPB. I made the parts for my partner’s teapot, but didn’t put them all together. I didn’t know the exact measurements so I sent the parts to her and she completed the cozy. I stole some photos from her to post!

I also got some awesome yarn for “My Vampire Boyfriend Socks” that I will be completing hopefully this month.

Once all this is done, I have 7 baby hats to quick knit up for friends. Then, it’s all Peanut knitting. I have also decided to take up on my BBC friend, Hannah’s, enthusiasm to quilt and make Peanut’s bedding. I can’t wait to start on the nursery too. I have to pick out new carpet, paint, and fabric. I think that’s all for now. Hopefully I’ll be more chatty in the next few months. We have another appointment for Peanut next Tuesday. We’ll be verifying her sex again as well as a typical checkup. I can’t believe I’m already 26 weeks pregnant and we have less than 100 days until she makes her debut (that’s if she comes on time!)!!!!!