Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Interior Motivation

T minus 10 days until Peanut's 2nd Birthday.  The house is an absolute disaster.  I can't believe I've let it get this bad.  It disgusts me actually.  Don't get me wrong, it's dusted/vacuumed/mopped/sanitized, but it's so freaking cluttered, I'm going nuts.  I actually looked up how to motivate myself while watching over 2 kids at home.  I found a web site that has a daily 'docket' that I think can help me keep myself motivated.  The problem is I think I don't give myself enough time alone during the day (and when I finally get the girls in the bed, I'm simply exhausted) and end up wasting a lot of time checking email, facebook (I'm way too addicted), babycenter, and messages.  I need to do it in the morning, then have the will power to not check it every minute of the day.  

I already filled out the docket for tomorrow and Friday.  I just have so much stuff to do.  Besides decluttering the downstairs, I need to finish sanding the deck by next Tuesday (the day I absolutely need to sand it in order to avoid possible showers and having it completed by the party), trim the hedges, weed the gardens, spray the lawn weeds, sprinkle grass grower, get the car inspected, make 5 more tutu's (party favors), practice making the Minnie Cake, make the actual Minnie Cake/cupcakes/wrap presents, and who knows what else!  I'm exhausted just thinking of it.  The hedges/weeding/grass stuff can wait a bit.  The biggest thing is the deck.  I still need to sand the posts and the outside of the deck.  I just need to prioritize and stop getting overwhelmed.

In other news, I did manage to take both girls to get their Easter, Bean's 6 month, and Peanut's 2 year photos.  What a nightmare!  LOL.  They were both being extremely fussy and throwing tantrums all morning.  I should have known better than to take them.  We managed to get a bunch of cute photos.  The girls were fabulous after we left.....  Figures.

Peanut & Bean

Peanut's 2 years old!!!

 Giggling Bean

Bean at 6 months

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday Mama

Today, we went to the Monday Morning Mom's group. Their last study ended last week and we'll start a new study next week. Peanut had a blast and Bean was very well behaved. I joked with the pregnant mom-to-be that it's God's way of keeping her naive in prebaby bliss! After that, we went to visit Grandpa at work. He's so proud to be a grandpa, it's cute. We didn't get home until after 2:30. We then went for a nice afternoon walk to the store and wrapped up our day watching an episode of Mickey. Peanut even managed to chat with Dada on the phone more than yelling 'No!' I was able to relax and catch up on my shows after the girls were in bed as well as looked into our new MMMs, Mothering Without Guilt. I'm excited for the new study!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend Wonders

RoBrotz got home on Friday morning. Peanut was thrilled. Dada was home a lot this past week. Yay for down weeks. Not to mention the weather was really nice. Friday was an uneventful day. Our friend, C, came over in the afternoon. She watched the girls so RoBrotz and I could gp get a new phone for me uninterrupted! Even Bean cooperated for C!

Saturday was really nice too. The girls and I tagged along with RoBrotz to band practice. C was there, considering she is dating the sax player! We had fun and went to the park while the boys practiced. Later, RoBrotz and I went to our church group's Bible study/life group. I really enjoyed it and was glad we went even though we had to run quickly to Starter's for the band's gig. It was nice that they didn't have to set up or anything. RoBrotz usually provides the PA system.

Today was a lazy day. Bean barely slept the night before, waking every 1.5 hrs. Ugh!!! We skipped church since RoBrotz was going away at 1:30. I want to go but he's home so rarely that I want to enjoy the time we have together. If he had been leaving later in the evening, I would've said we'd go. After the girls and I dropped him off at the airport, I had a heck of a time getting Peanut to cooperate with anything for the better part of an hour. Between RoBrotz leaving and her trying to give up her naps, she was a disaster. Poor kiddo. Bean finally slept a few naps so I was able to give Peanut my full attention. It was a fun bath night and both girls went to bed without much of a fuss. Then, I was able to enjoy a small glass of wine on the back porch while reading my kindle fire.

It's hard to balance some days. I'm so thankful they get along and seem to really love each other (knock on wood). God truly has blessed us. I know RoBrotz goes on the road a lot and worries I hate him for it and the girls will too, but it's not true. I know he works hard to support our family and I'm thankful for that!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Attempting Normal

Yesterday was really great. RoBrotz didn't need to fly out until early evening. We got off to a slow start. I swear that man takes longer to get ready than me and the girls combined. LOL, granted he was doing a bunch of work calls at the same time. We finally managed to get over to the park with our yummy Potts hot dogs and my yummy Cherry Coke (I've become too attached to those). My Bible study buddy and her DD met up with us for a bit. I wasn't too much of a fan of the park because the play area was for 5-8 yr olds. Peanut wasn't able to go up on the slide alone so it'll be a no-go during the week while I'm home alone.

After that, while Bean napped, I was actually able to catch a few snoozes. Dada watched the 'Nut for me. At some point Bean's second toofer, the bottom center right, cut through! Yay for Bean teeth! We got to spend some quality time with Dada before dropping him off at the airport. Peanut was out within 2 minutes of dropping him off. Bean fell asleep as soon as I put her in her crib. Peanut did wake around 7:30 and I gave her a go-gurt.

Bean showing off her bottom two teeth!

Nom Nom Nom on toys!

With Peanut and Bean down so early, I was able to make Peanut's birthday tutu. I measured Peanut's waist at 17.5 in, and had 2 yards of black and pink tulle each. I cut them in 3 in pieces, then in half lengthwise. I cut a ribbon 60 in long. I tied a knot at 20 and 40 in. I tied 8 black tulle then 8 pink until the space in between the knots was filled. Peanut loved it!

Peanut modeling her tutu

Today, my Bible study buddy and her DD came over around 10. I was able to make a quick run to Target first fir coffee dreamer. I cannot live without coffee anymore! After that, it was quiet time for Peanut since she didn't want to nap. Luckily Bean did nap and I was able to work on my friend's baby blanket. After the girls were up, we played out on the deck. My SIL and FBIL stopped by with Peanut's flower girl dress and my bridesmaid dress. All in all, a fairly uneventful day. I realized I won't get to the grocery store in the morning between Peanut's ENT appointment and picking up RoBrotz.

Modeling my bridesmaid dress. Totally needs to be hemmed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Exercise and motivation?

Today, the girls and I went to Ironton Rail Trail. It's a 5.5 mile loop and has an offshoot trail as well. I actually ended up jogging for about 3/4 mile then walking the rest. I made several pit stops for Peanut Potty Breaks and Snacks and for Bean Noms (aka nursing the baby). It took me a bit over 2 hours but my legs currently hate me. Oh well. I seriously need to do it more often. I can't believe how out of shape I'm in. I mean I know I've had 2 kids since the last time I seriously exercised but come on! I'm down 25 lbs since before I was pregnant with Peanut. I'm actually 2 lbs from my goal weight of 125. Honestly thought, I just want to tone up. My poor yummy, well, I've had two kids and don't look like Heidi Klum. I really don't need to eat all that Easter candy or give into the urge to drink cherry cokes. Will the junk food cravings ever disappear?!?!

Motivation... NEEDED!

Okay, so I've been keeping my FB updated with mostly everything with the kids, knitting, crafting, etc. I also kept a account of daily things with the kiddos. I have personal journals for the girls and for RoBrotz, not to mention my own. Ugh, it's so hard to keep track of them all. So I'm going to attempt to update this daily instead of the It's not that I have anything against that site; I have been a member here way longer, not to mention the ability to post photos here. I have a hard time when it comes to uploading photos, etc here because when I upload, the photo stays at the top above what I've written so I need to move that all around and my laptop isn't too fun to do all that stuff with. Anywho, I vow to keep this blog updated. Over the next week, I will update my December through current date posts and photos.

I also want to get my Etsy shop ready to have items to sell by May 1st. I have a lot of older items that are lying around collecting dust that I don't use and never have used. I want SOMEONE to get use out of them. So, does anyone have any motivation for me to get these things done, not to mention watch two kiddos under two?!?!?

At least I won't have 2 under 2 for much longer! Peanut will be 2 soon! I'm working on her birthday party decorations. I'm going to have a Minnie Mouse theme, but from the Mickey Mouse Club House, not the old fashioned Minnie. So it's Pink and Black, not Red and Black colors. I'll do cupcakes for the party with friends, then we'll have a cake for her birthday with family/Easter. I'm excited to get everything together. I need to post the cute Minnie Ribbons I made. Next up, the Tutu's for party gifts!!!!