Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Prep

Well, it's Monday morning and Hurricane Sandy is reported to be a nasty one as it collides with an arctic front coming from the northwest.  Honestly, aside from the bit of rain, it's the perfect temperature and humidity outside at the moment!  The wind isn't too bad, but it's expected to gust up to 70+ mph between today and tomorrow.  I just pray that the winds continue to come from the northeast.  We're in a twin and our roof points towards to the south.  Our neighbors just redid their roof last fall, and we're still waiting to re-do our roof.  I think their roof will be able to last better than our side!

As for the prep, it started on Friday.  I did our grocery and hardware store runs.  Three stores later, I might add because I kept forgetting items!  I swear, even with a list, I don't remember anything anymore.  I blame my adorable kiddos.  I stocked us full of the usual necessities, bread, snacks, drinks, etc.  I didn't need to stock on water since I have a filter here and filled up a few jugs here.   We're lucky that we already had a generator.  

Seriously people, if you live in an area that a possible storm could hit, get one before there's even a storm on the way.  Just be prepared!  The same should be said for food items too.  I'm not great at having a lot of extra food stored, mostly due to lack of space but the hubs and I would like to have an emergency kit with some medical supplies in the event that emergency personnel couldn't reach us for some reason.

Yesterday, we battened down the hatches.  Hubs tied down all the outdoor items, like the grill and trash/recycling cans.  We made a huge pot of gumbo and rice so we won't need to cook dinner.  In the event that we do lose power, we can always use our generator for the fridge and microwave.  We also have some pumpkin pies.  Because, seriously, who doesn't need some yummy pies during a hurricane?!?!

Oh, and did I mention that since the Giants won last night that the hubs has the next few days off?!?!  He got in late last night so I'm letting him sleep in.  It's kinda hard to keep two kiddos quiet in the morning.  Okay, time to go switch the diapers into the dryer and make some muffins before we lose power!  Everyone stay safe!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bean's Dress

For the wedding, I wanted Bean to match the rest of us in the family who were in it.  I looked everywhere online for the perfect dress.  I had thought I found one but once it arrived the Tuesday before the wedding, I noticed it was way too light of a purple to match the rest of us even remotely.

Here's a shot of the dress.  The sandal in front was the color of my dress and the sash for Peanut's Flowergirl dress.
So I had a thought...  (which is never a good thing). I figured I could put some black tulle around the skirt and do something fancy with the top to 'darken' the purple shade.  So out came the seam ripper.  I pulled out the hem between the bodice and the skirt but left it stitched together on the inside.  I measured two pieces of tulle for the front and back portions of the skirt and sewed the sides together.  The fabric I had purchased already had a sewn edge that I used for the bottom.  Once the sides were sewn, I attached the top to the skirt piece and rehemmed the line around, making sure not to stitch over where the button flap went.  I also cut around where the dress opened on the back so that we could get it over Bean's head.

Here's the dress with the black tulle around the skirt (photo taken on my phone which is why the color is off)

I was stuck for a bit attempting to figure out what to do with the dress top.  I knew I'd attach a new ribbon around the bottom of the bodice but aside from that, I was lost.  I posted on my FaceBook and had several friends reply.  I wanted to make a puff sleeve out of the tulle, and even got so far as to make the full template.  Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to complete the sleeves and get a decent night's sleep.

Instead, I doubled up the tulle and wrapped it around the top, sewing it over the ribbon and around the neckline and arm holes.  I made sure to pin everything down and still 'cut corners' so I ran out of some fabric on the back.  Luckily it was on the part that would be covered by the button.  After I sewed the tulle, I grabbed some ribbon.  The purple I had found wasn't the right color so I managed to have some sheer black and overlaid it.  The color was perfect, but now it meant I needed to sew two ribbons on.  Sigh, I am a glutton for punishment it seems!

Here's the two different ribbon colors.  See how the black makes the purple slightly darker?

I started by sewing the ribbon along the backing where the top came together.  Then, I sewed the ribbon around the middle, between the bodice and the skirt.  Next, I sewed around the neck line, and finally, sewed the arm holes.  That was the trickiest part, since the arms were too small to have the fabric go around the sewing machine!  But I loved the outcome and received numerous compliments.  I was even impressed that I managed to make it so cute (not to toot my own horn too loud)!


Ribbon along the bodice/skirt line

Arm hole


Back button (see where I missed the tulle overlay?  oops)

The bottom of the skirt

Overall dress

Craft of the Week: October 22-26, 2012

This week, I decided we were going to color 'pumpkins' onto brown plastic bags.  The idea is from my "The Toddler's Busy Book".  Well, my bag looked like a pumpkin, although the girls' didn't!  That's okay though.  I added some dried rice into the bag, twisted up the top, and let the girls play with their pumpkin shakers!  What a fun, LOUD easy toy to make.  The girls love music so this was the perfect craft.  Now, if only I had more Motrin for the headache!!!  

My Pumpkin shaker!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

God's Call?

Okay, so my Mom's group (mom's group is through the new church we've been attending since January) just started the study "Experiencing God" and we're doing the workbook.  I accidentally ordered the actual book on my Kindle Fire as well, so I figure God wants me to read that too.  I'm playing catch up on my second week.  We're on week 3 but we split the first week into two, so technically we're in our 3rd week of study but only on Unit 2 (make sense?  no?  ah well, it's okay anyway!).  If you haven't done the study and are wondering if you should.  Uh... Yes, do the study.  Open your heart up, because it is awesome!

Anywho, the second day study is "God's Plans Versus Our Plans" and the third day's is "God Takes the Initiative".  So I'm praying and asking God to lead me in the direction to do His Will in all aspects of my life, my personal life, my work, my family, my community, my church, our nation.  After I complete the second day, I decide to take a short break and hop on my computer and check out the debil, aka FaceBook.  

The church's youth pastor's status stated to pray for his cousin's family, as he lost his battle with cancer today, 10/23.  He left behind a wife and two young daughters.  Hit me close to home.  My mom lost her battle at 42.  His cousin was 38.  Now I think, what a difference those 4 years could have made for his daughters (and wife of course).  But God knocks on a little door in my brain... the one I completely forgotten about and only on occasion do I remember it's there at all.

That door is the door I wish was available for me when my mom died, when I was only 16.  Sure, I had counselors both through school and through outside sources to help me in my grief.  But I didn't know anyone who was going through the same thing.  But then again I did.  Less than a year later, my good friend from school lost his father to cancer.  We didn't talk about it much, but we tried to.  For the 2 years I was home in school prior to leaving for Arizona and college, I kept my faith and held it tight because it was the only thing that helped me make sense of it.  I still attest to my faith being the only reason I made it through my terrible depression I suffered for during my college years (that, and my dad as well as a certain best friend - she knows who she is).

Anyway, where am I going with this you may ask?  Well, that little door was a small thought of having a grief center for youth who lost a parent due to cancer, but also to anything, be it a sudden death like a car accident or heart attack, or the long slow death of cancer.  Now, seeing that one post, especially tonight after praying for God to lead my way to do His will...  Well, I can say that the little door has flung wide open and I need to start looking into how to make this possible.  How to help kids who are vulnerable and hopeless make sense of something so tragic.  How to help them follow God's path even when all hope may be lost.  That death is not final, not through God.

Is this a scary thought for myself?  Umm... duh, yes.  But I take comfort in knowing that even Moses was scared when God first showed him His will.  Not that my path will be anything like leading the Israelites out of Egypt!  It is scary for me to put this out there, knowing how many people may think I'm crazy for following God in the world we live in.  Then, as I was writing this post, I checked my Verse of the Day (Galatians 5:13 ~ For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters.  But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature.  Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.) and that speaks to me even more.  I'm a stay at home mom and I want to show my girls what God can offer.  So here goes...

Heavenly Father, please help me to follow this path if it truly is Your Will.  To help me not walk away or leave this path unfinished, to help kids who have situations similar to my own as a teen and to help them with their walk with You.  Please let me follow Your Will with selflessness and to remember this is Your Work, only being done by me, with Your Grace.  In Your name I pray.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


My sister-in-law got married yesterday!  Peanut was one of 2 flower girls.  RoBrotz was a groomsman and I was a bridesmaid (matron?!? ugh, that makes me sound old...).  Beansprout was chilling in the audience with Grandpa.  To read about how Bean's dress was made, check out this link!

Great shot of my Dad with Beansprout, thanks to a friend who got this.
It was a beautiful day, albeit chilly.  The girls and I got to the pregaming station (Aunt C's house - which has beautiful outdoor photo ops, the same location I got ready for my wedding 4 years ago) around 9.  Right away, I was in a chair getting my hair pinned up and all prettified.  Peanut and Bean were being entertained by the other girls and my Dad.  Thank goodness he was there to help out, because I'm fairly certain I would have gone completely insane trying to round them up the entire time!  

Between all of us, we managed to go through the 2 bottles of champagne before we started photos.  We even managed to bribe Peanut with some chocolate pretzels to sit still long enough to get her hair pulled into a side ponytail with curls.  I need to be honest here.  At first, I thought the side ponytail would look terrible and tacky because, let's face it, it's a late 80's early 90's style and I'm not a huge fan of those days, at least in terms of fashion!  But it looked absolutely adorable, and she was an angel.  And after that, we all got dressed in our "princess dresses" as Peanut referred to our bridesmaid and flower girl dresses.

Peanut posing like a little princess!

We got our photos taken out on the deck at Aunt C's and I think we managed to get a few shots with the flower girls.  I may have told Peanut she'd have to take off her princess dress if she didn't pose for photos!  I think we have a few with her scowling...  Once all the pretty photos were taken with the beautiful princesses in the gorgeous fall foliage, we piled into the limo.  The kiddos were all driven over separately since they needed car seats.  (Again, thank you to my Dad for being so awesome with the girls).  Unfortunately, one of the bridesmaid began getting motion sick on our way.  We managed to curb the meh feeling but then my stupid brain started thinking, "huh, why am I not feeling sick?" and proceeded to start getting light headed.  Probably all in my head!

The Maid of Honor was able to get the boys away from us so we could run into the dressing room/bathroom while we waited for the ceremony to begin.  Meanwhile, the boys were supposed to get some photos taken as well outside.  However, we were told they didn't cooperate too well...  (we took more later).

Ceremony started and everyone made it down the aisle fabulously, save the ring bearer who just didn't want to do it at all.  Poor kiddo.  The ceremony was wonderful.  When they went to do the unity candle, the other two blew out from the wind once they lit the middle one, but the middle stayed lit!  I'd say that's a great sign.  Then the other flower girl attempted to "blow out" the candle because she wanted cake!  Oh the cute things kids think of, since they're used to candles only being on birthday cakes.  During the ceremony, Peanut was eating pretzels and walking down the rows waving at everyone.  Another time where I need to say thank you to Dad for keeping the girls quiet for us!!!

Once the ceremony was over, the bridal party moved into the garden area for photos.  We did lots of photos by a cute bridge, some in the grassy knoll area where we jumped enough times that my hair started falling out of the pins, thankfully the hairstylist was at the wedding and was able to re-do it for me!  RoBrotz and I were able to get a few good shots of us with the kiddos.  While the bride and groom were getting some solo shots, the rest of the bridal party was able to chat and enjoy the sunshine.

The reception was very nice.  The speeches given were very nicely done.  Peanut, the other flower girl, and the ring bearer started off the dance floor festivities after the dinner was done.  Bean made a horrible mess at the table.  I feel terrible for the serving crew who had to clean up the disaster zone.  We tried to contain it as much as possible, but it didn't work very well.  Lots of fun times were had by all!  I personally missed seeing the bouquet and garter toss but that's okay.  I was excited that I didn't need to be involved with it anyway!

I wish the couple a very long and happy lifetime together!  And to enjoy their wonderful honeymoon.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Long time no update

It's been a while.  I stopped posting a lot because I've not had much 'me' time.  Since becoming a SAHM (stay at home mom for those not up to date with the blogging world lingo), I've been too busy chasing a now 2.5 and a 1 year old to do anything for myself. 

I started my own 'business' on June 15.  I put it in quotes because I'm not doing it for money or to become a huge crafter business and I honestly haven't made too much money with it.  I love to crochet now that I've caught the hang of it.  It's SO much quicker than knitting!!!  I haven't had much time and motivation to make tons of items to vendors, but that's my own fault.  I'm my biggest road block because I've always had a terrible time motivating myself.

To unwind in the evenings, I've been reading books my husband has been recommending to me.  I read "American Sniper" by Chris Kyle, "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Littrell, and I just finished "Fearless" by Eric Blehm about the life of Adam Brown (check out the website).  It was amazing and has helped strengthen my faith in Jesus Christ.  I was so moved by the story, I wanted to write to his wife and express how moving life story was.  When I looked up the author's name for the book (because I'm that terrible with names), I came across the website linked above and decided to send a letter.  I hope it brings at least some comfort.

Peanut's growing, well, kind of.  She's still living up to her nickname of Peanut.  We go tomorrow for her 2.5 year well visit check up.  She's about 34 inches and 26 lbs so we'll see what her exact measurements are.  She's still barely in 18 month pants and 24/2T tops.  Her big ole belly needs to be covered!  Bean is doing well.  We've got all her many allergies figured out, I believe!  Lots to be sure.  She's growing just fine, but decided to slow down just like her big sister, weighing 18.5 lbs and is 29 inches.

It's begun to be busy season for RoBrotz again at work.  We'll be celebrating our 4th anniversary on Thursday too!  Hopefully he'll be back from his game in time that we can go out to dinner.  We shall see.  I may even get my hair all done for the fun time!

I've also been going to workout at this cool place called "Sweat Like a Girl".  My legs are killing me still from my Supermommy Boot Camp workout this past Friday!  I'll go tomorrow for torture of my core!  Wish me luck!