Tuesday, September 29, 2009

11 Weeks and Starting BSG FPB Again!

So I've been a bit absent. Whoops!!!

I finished my Swallowtail Shawl! Hooray!!!! I got that done just under the deadline for the BSG FPB in August. It was finished on August 31, 2009. I even got it out in the mail in time for Laura's Birthday. She LOVED it. She was like, wait a minute, didn't I originally show you the first couple of stitches? How the hell did you pass me on it?!?! I'm still waiting on a photo from her wearing it.

I began knitting the Cabled Cardigan by Karabella as my knitted Maternity Shirt. I started it August 31, but stopped when I began my square for a fellow BSG FPB's Dr. Cottle Blanket. I designed the pattern in excel then decided to do a double knit technique. It's actually not that hard. I loved how it turned out. I just hope the blanket does its job for our fellow knitter’s hubby!!!

Now we've started once again for the new term of BSG FPB!!! I've decided to make the 'Hermione’s Cable & Eyelet Hat' by Jackie Lauseng. It is based on the hat Hermione wore during the trip to Hogsmead in the most recent Harry Potter, Half Blood Prince. I'm knitting it for the Me, Myself, and Tigh group. Hopefully once I get this done, I can get a pair of booties and a hat done for a baby after this.

I've basically taken off the past month of knitting, minus the Dr. Cottle blanket. The fatigue with the first trimester has been killer, no joke! But the past few days, I'm feeling my energy coming back. I haven't needed a nap at all for 3 days!!! Woohoo!!! Now if I can get to the gym more often!!!