Thursday, July 07, 2011

Third Trimester!

Hooray, I’ve made it to 28 weeks with Bean. Twenty-eight!!!! That means my third trimester starts today!!!! Where has the time gone for this pregnancy?!?! I remember with Peanut thinking that it was dragging on, and that April would never get here. Well, since then, the year had flown by. I hardly had time to sit and do my blog (obviously, by seeing how little I blogged while Peanut was under a year). Now, I sit here realizing that this pregnancy is also flying by.

But I swear, if one more person either asks me if I’m due at the end of the month or tells me that I'm looking "just so big!", I'm going to scream!

I took my glucose test last Monday, June 27. I felt like crap afterwards though. I couldn’t even fold laundry because I was shaky and faint, even though I had eaten plenty of foods and was extremely hydrated. But the doctor did call me on Wednesday, June 29 to let me know that I passed no problem. Thank goodness!!!
I’ve also been having some fun vertigo. It’s not much, but it’s enough to make me get aggravated!

In other news pregnancy related; on Wednesday, June 22, I had left work early because I felt like a zombie. I was afraid my blood pressure was getting too high, so I went in to see the doctor. In fact, my blood pressure was only 100/66, so barely in the ‘normal’ range. My head was pounding terribly and they decided to give me some pregnancy related migraine medication. It works wonderfully. Unfortunately, if I don’t take it one day, then I’m like a zombie by the time Peanut goes to bed. At least it’s been doing its job when I’ve taken it, so that’s good.

Then, another thing arose last Wednesday, June 29. I woke up pretty itchy. So did RoBrotz. I decided to take a half day and scrub our bedroom. Peanut didn’t have anything on her, so we thought maybe we got bedbugs. RoBrotz travels enough that it is a definite possibility. Anywho, my ‘bites’ didn’t really look like bedbug bites. I cleaned, and scoured, and didn’t find any type of bedbug or other type of bugs, fleas, etc anywhere in our house. It took me 6 hours to fully scrub the whole room. It was a disaster! I even packed up a bunch of our old clothes and put them in storage. At least I can say I have a very nice and tidy room now! It looks so huge without all of RoBrotz’ laundry laying everywhere around!

As the week progressed and into the weekend, I noticed these little white bumps were popping up more and more all over me. My belly had them, my arms, back, legs, and neck. They started itching so badly that I couldn’t fall to sleep. I had my 27/28 week doctor appointment yesterday, and was told I have the classic case of PUPPS. Sigh. So I’m taking Benadryl nightly, and loading myself with hydrocortisone ointment. I really hope that all of this won’t affect Bean, and the doctor assures me it is safe to use, but I worry. This itching is horrible though. I’m not sure I’m going to last to my due date with my sanity intact!

I’m hoping that RoBrotz and I can clear a spot in the basement within the next week or two and move all the extra boxes from the old office so that Bean has her pretty new nursery soon!!!! Too bad this weekend is jam packed with the MLB Allstar game.

In other home life news, we went up to the cabin this past weekend for the holiday.

And she learned to walk, see, Zombie Walk!!! She took 2 steps between me and the couch on Friday, July 1, and realized how proud her Dada and I were, so she decided to start going back and forth and now she is walking everywhere. She still crawls a lot because it’s easier, and she “butt scoots” when she’s got something in hand. But she’s walking!

Lots of playing with her tractor!

I've got a little rockstar!
And a wonderful family photo of the three (well, four) of us!

Our friends Cortney and Jason came up. They are so cute! Totally me and Rob of 5 years ago!

And in crafting news: I’ve been plugging away at the Bean’s crochet blanket when I’ve got a spare minute or two, which seems to never happen. But SIL’s baby shower is this weekend, so I’ve been working on her quilt. It’s almost all done. I need to sew the front to the back to keep the fabric in place with the batting, and then add the edging. I hope I can pin down the quilt tonight.

Quilting fabric laid out

All my squares cut and arrainged in the correct pattern

The first two rows sewn together!

Close up of the squares sewn together!

The front of the quilt!

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