There’s another week down, and now only 10 to go until my due date. Less than that if I end up in labor earlier than that (which as long as Bean is ready, SO AM I!!!). Pregnancy has been a complete 180 from my last one. I don’t think it really has to do with running around after Peanut anymore. I honestly think it’s just that different of a pregnancy. Here’s a list of my symptoms this time around:
- Extreme fatigue, like, I can't really function past 10-11 am, when I'm up at 6 AM. It's bad. I can barely get off the couch to do anything throughout the day. Work is a joke for me at this point.
- BH and regular contractions. Half the time, they happen when I'm not doing anything at all. The other time, they start if I carry Peanut (all of 19 lbs soaking wet) up stairs for bed, etc, or when I do more than 15 minutes worth of work a day.
- zero appetite. I try to eat, but anything larger than my fist over the course of 3 hours, and I'm almost vomiting nonstop.
- cramping. It is normally a lot worse in the mornings or if I walk around for all of 5 minutes. Sigh. I guess I’m just going to sit at my desk and relax.
- back pain. Ugh, my poor back is killing me. The other day I was sure it was from sleeping in the wrong position because the pain was in the middle of my back but in the days since, it’s traveled to my lower back and is around my kidney’s which isn’t a good thing. Very annoying!
- the itchies. This is awful. I itch and the only thing that helps is ice and cold. I’m forced to take luke warm showers at best. It doesn’t look awful, but it itches so bad that I turn red from scratching so much! I know I shouldn’t but honestly, once my hands and feet start itching, there’s really no stopping me! How do your palms of your hands itch all the time?!?!? It’s aggravating!!!
- Extreme fatigue, like, I can't really function past 10-11 am, when I'm up at 6 AM. It's bad. I can barely get off the couch to do anything throughout the day. Work is a joke for me at this point.
- BH and regular contractions. Half the time, they happen when I'm not doing anything at all. The other time, they start if I carry Peanut (all of 19 lbs soaking wet) up stairs for bed, etc, or when I do more than 15 minutes worth of work a day.
- zero appetite. I try to eat, but anything larger than my fist over the course of 3 hours, and I'm almost vomiting nonstop.
- cramping. It is normally a lot worse in the mornings or if I walk around for all of 5 minutes. Sigh. I guess I’m just going to sit at my desk and relax.
- back pain. Ugh, my poor back is killing me. The other day I was sure it was from sleeping in the wrong position because the pain was in the middle of my back but in the days since, it’s traveled to my lower back and is around my kidney’s which isn’t a good thing. Very annoying!
- the itchies. This is awful. I itch and the only thing that helps is ice and cold. I’m forced to take luke warm showers at best. It doesn’t look awful, but it itches so bad that I turn red from scratching so much! I know I shouldn’t but honestly, once my hands and feet start itching, there’s really no stopping me! How do your palms of your hands itch all the time?!?!? It’s aggravating!!!
But here is me at 30 weeks with the Bean!!!!

In Peanut News:
Peanut’s been up a lot later than usual the past week. We took her bink away last Monday, July 11th. On Friday, the 15th, she decided she wanted to stay up later. She finally went down around 7:30-8ish, but not without a fight. Talk about temper tantrums. UGH. She is only 15 months old. I think the terrible twos are coming sooner rather than later. She is too smart for her own good some days! Anywho, she’s been throwing fits faster and faster as the days progressed and the less amount of sleep she got. Yesterday, I was told she was very unhappy at daycare. Any time they would redirect her, she would throw a tantrum. That is not usual for my little Peanut Munster. And, she was only sleeping roughly 20 minutes during the day. So last night, as she’s rubbing her eyes, a sure sign she is tired, I attempt to put her down and she does her normal scream fest because she doesn’t want to go to bed. There’s just too much to do and learn! I gave her the bink for all of 5 minutes around 6:45, and she was out within 10. I then took the bink away and she slept until 7 this morning with no issues. She was back to being her pleasant, happy self. I don’t know if I should continue this or attempt the ‘no bink’ again tonight and see what it does. I think I’d have a lot more patience and resolve if I wasn’t 30 weeks along and having zero energy to do even menial tasks around the house! So now, I don’t know what to do. We’ll see how it goes tonight. I wanted to make sure Peanut was “off the bink” before Bean arrived in case Bean would need a pacifier (so Peanut wouldn’t attempt to steal it). I guess we’ll just see what happens.
In Other Home News:
RoBrotz is in Boston for work. So it’s just me and the ‘Nut Ball. So, I had my dad over last night to hang out. I haven't really spent much time just the two of us (well, three, but the 'Nut went down half way through our hanging out). We were able to chat about random stuff and it was nice. I can tell my dad is lonely, but it was nice to hear he was going out with a lady friend a few times in the past month. I know he's probably never going to remarry, but I hope that he is able to have a good friendship or something with someone so that he isn’t so lonely.
Crafting News:
I completed Leslie’s 30th birthday Tote, only 3 years later. She purchased the yarn at the Skiprock Wine Festival in July of 2008 for me. I actually knitted up the Viking Bag over the course of the Christmas Season in 2008, but never got around to sewing in the lining and putting the handles on it. So I figured since her birthday was this past Sunday, I was finally going to put her bag together. And I did, with no time to spare before going out to celebrate. I completely forgot to get a photo of it, and now am waiting to see her to get a few shots of it, or at least have her send me one or two so I have it!
I’m working on another Market Bag with the Fantasy Naturale by Plymouth Yarn Co, in a deep burgundy colorway. I’m half way done with the bag, and I’m hopefully going to add a black lining in it. I was hoping to get it knitted up a bit faster, but with Peanut not sleeping until 8 or 9 at night, it has been a bit difficult.
I’m also working on this cute quilt project. I don’t know if I’ll keep it for the Bean/Peanut to share of if I’ll finally get on myself to put things on my shop!!! Hopefully I can get some of these projects done in the next week or so!
Peanut’s been up a lot later than usual the past week. We took her bink away last Monday, July 11th. On Friday, the 15th, she decided she wanted to stay up later. She finally went down around 7:30-8ish, but not without a fight. Talk about temper tantrums. UGH. She is only 15 months old. I think the terrible twos are coming sooner rather than later. She is too smart for her own good some days! Anywho, she’s been throwing fits faster and faster as the days progressed and the less amount of sleep she got. Yesterday, I was told she was very unhappy at daycare. Any time they would redirect her, she would throw a tantrum. That is not usual for my little Peanut Munster. And, she was only sleeping roughly 20 minutes during the day. So last night, as she’s rubbing her eyes, a sure sign she is tired, I attempt to put her down and she does her normal scream fest because she doesn’t want to go to bed. There’s just too much to do and learn! I gave her the bink for all of 5 minutes around 6:45, and she was out within 10. I then took the bink away and she slept until 7 this morning with no issues. She was back to being her pleasant, happy self. I don’t know if I should continue this or attempt the ‘no bink’ again tonight and see what it does. I think I’d have a lot more patience and resolve if I wasn’t 30 weeks along and having zero energy to do even menial tasks around the house! So now, I don’t know what to do. We’ll see how it goes tonight. I wanted to make sure Peanut was “off the bink” before Bean arrived in case Bean would need a pacifier (so Peanut wouldn’t attempt to steal it). I guess we’ll just see what happens.
In Other Home News:
RoBrotz is in Boston for work. So it’s just me and the ‘Nut Ball. So, I had my dad over last night to hang out. I haven't really spent much time just the two of us (well, three, but the 'Nut went down half way through our hanging out). We were able to chat about random stuff and it was nice. I can tell my dad is lonely, but it was nice to hear he was going out with a lady friend a few times in the past month. I know he's probably never going to remarry, but I hope that he is able to have a good friendship or something with someone so that he isn’t so lonely.
Crafting News:
I completed Leslie’s 30th birthday Tote, only 3 years later. She purchased the yarn at the Skiprock Wine Festival in July of 2008 for me. I actually knitted up the Viking Bag over the course of the Christmas Season in 2008, but never got around to sewing in the lining and putting the handles on it. So I figured since her birthday was this past Sunday, I was finally going to put her bag together. And I did, with no time to spare before going out to celebrate. I completely forgot to get a photo of it, and now am waiting to see her to get a few shots of it, or at least have her send me one or two so I have it!
I’m working on another Market Bag with the Fantasy Naturale by Plymouth Yarn Co, in a deep burgundy colorway. I’m half way done with the bag, and I’m hopefully going to add a black lining in it. I was hoping to get it knitted up a bit faster, but with Peanut not sleeping until 8 or 9 at night, it has been a bit difficult.
I’m also working on this cute quilt project. I don’t know if I’ll keep it for the Bean/Peanut to share of if I’ll finally get on myself to put things on my shop!!! Hopefully I can get some of these projects done in the next week or so!
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