I finished my niece’s quilt just in time for SIL’s baby shower on Saturday afternoon. I decided not to do the “taggies” on this quilt. As nice as it is for really little babies, mostly under 6 months, they do become a hassle if you’d like to use the quilt on a toddler bed. I think if I had had more time and energy, I would have added a ribbon as edging, instead of just sewing around the edges. I did end up sewing around every square to make the padding stay in place. I did them by rows, sewing horizontally, then vertically, not in actual blocks. I was very happy with the outcome. I hope it’s something that will last for a good long while for them!

After the shower and a friend’s Luau on Saturday, I was extremely itchy from the PUPPS (which seems to have gotten worse) and my feet started to swell. So we pretty much just sat around on Sunday and relaxed. It was very nice. We did run out quick to Lowe’s to purchase a new ceiling fan/light for the master bedroom. Here’s Peanut and Daddy both playing on their phones!! Like daddy, like daughter!

Now, all I really have on my knitting needles is a baby sweater for my friend’s son, due 9/14. I have only about half of it completed. I want to do it but I have no motivation. I also have Bean (or Peanut’s) blanket on my crochet hook, but I can’t seem to find the motivation to do that either. It sucks. Maybe once we get Bean’s room all cleaned out, I’ll find more energy to work on my projects. I know if I don’t complete my projects by Labor Day, they most likely won’t get worked on until at least Christmas time. I know I didn’t want to knit until close to 4 months postpartum after Peanut. Sigh. Motivation please!
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