I think I’m going to phone the doctor this morning and see about getting lab tests done for the ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy – not Insane Clown Posse). Last night, I couldn’t sleep because the soles of my feet started itching like crazy. There is no good way to itch your feet, and that is obnoxious! We just have to see when the office is actually open. They seem to have random hours, which does stink; however, recently, they’ve been extremely accommodating for me with bringing scripts to me and what not. That makes up for the one appointment that was rescheduled 5 separate times on me, and the two other appointments that I waited for over 30 minutes to even have someone acknowledge me at the office.
I started my second skein of Fantasy Natural for the Market Bag. Then I realized I had K1 where I was supposed to K2Tog and it was on the, maybe, third stitch of the round. Needless to say, I’m busy ripping out the past round. Oh well. I didn’t get much done with crafting because I was busy doing two things. One was taking new photos of little Miss Peanut and uploading them to my Facebook and the family webpages. As far as the 'bink' issue, last night, I had better resolve and didn't use it (bed around 6:45). Peanut stopped crying within 20-30 minutes, and then I heard some singing and jabbering for an additional 15 minutes. I think she was just over tired the past few nights and I need to have better resolve and get her to bed like normal. Anywho, this is my favorite from the group of photos!
Onto the second reason I didn’t knit too much last night. You see, being 30 weeks pregnant, I have a really bad pregnancy symptom called NESTING. Add that to the fact that I’m already OCD and actually enjoy cleaning and organizing, and you have a pregnant woman in a frenzy every time the house even starts to get cluttered up. I really want to get Bean’s room set up and organized before I get too much bigger and am too exhausted to do anything, oh wait, I’m already there! Oh well. Anywho, there are still a bunch of boxes leftover in the Bean’s room from RoBrotz’ office. He says that he'll move the boxes from Bean's room into the basement, but wants to put them in the closet under the stairs. Well, that closet has all his band amps and PA system. He wants to put that crap in the storage area of the basement, but can't because it's too jammed with his other crap. And yes, I do say crap, because I don’t know what half of it is, and it’s been sitting in the same boxes as when we moved into our apartment over 4 years ago and hasn’t been touched since. So, last week, I went to Staples and purchased 10 stackable storage bins.
I put in about 2 hours on organizing the chaos that is our basement. I just started chucking crap into them. I freed up half the storage room just by doing that and being able to stack the bins. I might have used 7 full bins and thrown out 15-20 boxes (well, recycle). The basement is so much more open, and now he has no excuse of where to move his PA/amp in the storage room because there is PLENTY of room. It's just hard to have the "nesting" syndrome when I can't physically move a lot of this crap and RoBrotz doesn't understand that I get stressed by having things disorganized. I don't think he really believes me when I say I'm OCD. I really am, but not to the point where I can't function, it's just stressful if there is clutter in my house!
Here’s some photos of what the storage area now looks like. Yes, it’s still pretty cluttered, but if you look at the first photo, in the upper right area, that is how the ENTIRE basement storage area looked before I went in there. The main issue at the moment is the extra baby equipment that has nowhere else to go and can’t be easily broken down, so it’s sitting on top of the bins in the center of the basement.

Peanut’s Room
~Fold all laundry and put away
~Move changing table and dresser into Bean’s room
~Dust & Vacuum
Bean’s Room
~Put remainder of boxes in basement closet under the stairs
~Put record player and other small shelf in basement
~Move desk to basement or put in storage
~Vacuum and steam vacuum carpet
~Get crib from Dad’s and set up
~Move in dresser from Peanut’s Room
~Move changing table in from Peanut’s Room
~Pick up closet organizers
~Go through clothes in bin in Peanut’s room to be put away in Bean’s room
~Move items out of cardboard boxes and into storage bins
~Reorganize band equipment in storage area
~Move band crap from closet under the stairs
~Place remainder of boxes from Bean’s room in closet under the stairs
~Throw away anything in storage area that can be thrown out
~Put together work out bench
~Clean sheets on Futon
~Pick up and organize
~Dust & vacuum
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