Another week down!!! I can’t believe it. This pregnancy is FLYING by. With Peanut, it felt like the weeks dragged on, but this time, the week is over before I’ve even had a chance to update my pregnancy book. Bean is doing great. I’m getting regular kicks now, when I wake up, around 9, then 11:30/noon, and then again around 6 while putting Peanut to bed, and finally a lot right before I fall asleep. Heartburn has started in full force, normally waiting until around 6 PM to start. I anticipate a full head of hair on this Bean!
At least I haven’t had any contractions again since last week. I can tell when I’m starting to feel under the weather, so I can modify what I’m doing so that I rest more often. Nesting/Organizing has kicked into full gear, which is ALWAYS nice! I’m sure MLBrotz is enjoying it. I am feeling pregnant though, now on most days! My energy isn’t where I’d like it, but at least I have SOME!
Peanut has another ear infection. Boo. We’ve finally been referred to an ENT doctor to look into have tubes put in her ears. UGH, but I guess I’ve always anticipated this. She’s been very fussy and clingy lately, but it could just be due to the ears. However, she finally cut her four canine (eye) teeth. She’s up to 16 whole teeth! Can you believe it? That girl’s got some chompers! It took her almost 2 whole weeks to get back to her normal sleep routine from our vacation. She even slept in until 7 AM this morning. I didn’t know what to do with myself!
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