Wow, I’m now 24 weeks!!! I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going, as opposed to my first pregnancy with Peanut. I put myself on modified bedrest this past Sunday. Saturday, RoBrotz and I went to WWII weekend with the ‘Nut. We only walked around for a few hours and I made sure not to overdo it and kept hydrated. I still ended up with contractions going all day Saturday evening and into Sunday, sporadically. I had a bit of spotting that I noticed early Sunday morning. Bean was still moving just fine and contractions weren’t labor one.
I finally got into see the doctor, well, nurse practitioner, around noon Monday. She didn’t see anything that greatly concerned her, but decided to put me on a modified bedrest. I already had my 24 week appointment scheduled for Wednesday with my doctor, so I stayed home on Tuesday because nothing was changing.
I wasn’t used to being all alone all day. Normally, I'd work during the day and spend an hour, plus or minus, with DD in the morning and evenings. She normally goes to bed by 6 and I've got the house to myself until RoBrotz gets home around 8:30, if he's working at the office. So Tuesday, I dropped Peanut off at daycare in morning like normal, then came home and was on the couch until picking up her around 4:45 like normal times.
The NP called me back and since the cramping wasn’t letting up, she told me to go in for an ultrasound. I got to see Bean moving around so much. The technician had a difficult job getting the photos she needed because of so much movement. The funny thing was it wasn’t even that much for what I’m used to feeling! Bean was head down though, so that was a major bonus! And we double checked gender; definitely another little girl!!!
So on Wednesday morning, the doctor cleared me to go back to work. He said he wasn't seeing any bleeding. As far as the dizziness, I almost passed out in the office after I sat up from the exam. The doctor immediately told me that the way she's positioned will make standing up or even sitting up difficult, to do it slowly, and not to even lounge on my back – to always be turned to one side or another. And apparently for me to not become dehydrated during the summer being pregnant, I need around 8 bottles of water a day (that's around 160 oz!!) plus probably a bottle or two of gatorade. Guess my body loves water. Oh well, doing what I'll have to do. RoBrotz still wants me to stay off my feet as much as possible, but at least this means my OCD self can justify vacuuming the living room so we don't have cheerio or fig newton crumbs all over for ants to find. Doctor said that the ultrasound looked great and baby is doing fabulously! I felt like a hypochondriac though, sigh. I'll be going in again in 4 weeks for my next appointment. I get to do my glucose test done in 2 weeks as well. Hoping all goes well with that!
Aside from all that excitement, I'm doing alright. I finished up my first video editing job last night. We're getting some decent cash for it!!!! Basically, the one parent of a local high school volleyball team took pictures throughout the year and we put it all to music and burned it to a DVD to get handed out to the kids. It's not fabulous and I know I have a lot to learn about editing, but RoBrotz was like, I so need to get you more jobs like this. That would make up for me staying home if I did one a month, if we decide to go that route!!
Ooo, and I wore my cardigan I made to work today. I've gotten about 5 requests to make them. I said that I might only have time to do 2 this summer, but looks like I'm starting to get business!!! I'm so stoked. I guess all my praying has really paid off! I would love to get some extra quilts done too shortly. I’ve got a few to make in the next few months, so fingers crossed that they’ll also sell soon! I have a few baby sweaters/hats that I'm knitting up which should all be done by mid-July. Too many people are having babies in September!!! But it's all good! Knitting for babies is easy!
I finally got into see the doctor, well, nurse practitioner, around noon Monday. She didn’t see anything that greatly concerned her, but decided to put me on a modified bedrest. I already had my 24 week appointment scheduled for Wednesday with my doctor, so I stayed home on Tuesday because nothing was changing.
I wasn’t used to being all alone all day. Normally, I'd work during the day and spend an hour, plus or minus, with DD in the morning and evenings. She normally goes to bed by 6 and I've got the house to myself until RoBrotz gets home around 8:30, if he's working at the office. So Tuesday, I dropped Peanut off at daycare in morning like normal, then came home and was on the couch until picking up her around 4:45 like normal times.
The NP called me back and since the cramping wasn’t letting up, she told me to go in for an ultrasound. I got to see Bean moving around so much. The technician had a difficult job getting the photos she needed because of so much movement. The funny thing was it wasn’t even that much for what I’m used to feeling! Bean was head down though, so that was a major bonus! And we double checked gender; definitely another little girl!!!
So on Wednesday morning, the doctor cleared me to go back to work. He said he wasn't seeing any bleeding. As far as the dizziness, I almost passed out in the office after I sat up from the exam. The doctor immediately told me that the way she's positioned will make standing up or even sitting up difficult, to do it slowly, and not to even lounge on my back – to always be turned to one side or another. And apparently for me to not become dehydrated during the summer being pregnant, I need around 8 bottles of water a day (that's around 160 oz!!) plus probably a bottle or two of gatorade. Guess my body loves water. Oh well, doing what I'll have to do. RoBrotz still wants me to stay off my feet as much as possible, but at least this means my OCD self can justify vacuuming the living room so we don't have cheerio or fig newton crumbs all over for ants to find. Doctor said that the ultrasound looked great and baby is doing fabulously! I felt like a hypochondriac though, sigh. I'll be going in again in 4 weeks for my next appointment. I get to do my glucose test done in 2 weeks as well. Hoping all goes well with that!
Aside from all that excitement, I'm doing alright. I finished up my first video editing job last night. We're getting some decent cash for it!!!! Basically, the one parent of a local high school volleyball team took pictures throughout the year and we put it all to music and burned it to a DVD to get handed out to the kids. It's not fabulous and I know I have a lot to learn about editing, but RoBrotz was like, I so need to get you more jobs like this. That would make up for me staying home if I did one a month, if we decide to go that route!!
Ooo, and I wore my cardigan I made to work today. I've gotten about 5 requests to make them. I said that I might only have time to do 2 this summer, but looks like I'm starting to get business!!! I'm so stoked. I guess all my praying has really paid off! I would love to get some extra quilts done too shortly. I’ve got a few to make in the next few months, so fingers crossed that they’ll also sell soon! I have a few baby sweaters/hats that I'm knitting up which should all be done by mid-July. Too many people are having babies in September!!! But it's all good! Knitting for babies is easy!
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