I figured since my Newborn Baby Advice, that I'd write up about pedi care. My DD has been in and out of the doctor's all year. She even had 3 bouts of pneumonia, 2 of which she was hospitized for. So I feel it's essential to like and trust who you see, rather who your children see, for their health!!!
Honestly, it wasn’t until I was about 35 weeks pregnant, after my birthing classes, etc, that I realized I needed to figure out who I would use for a pediatrician (known as a pedi from here on out). I looked up a list of who was affiliated with my hospital I was delivering at, because they were the ones I was most comfortable. It may have even been the list my OB gave me. From that list, I went searching on the googleweb and looked at reviews. I could have gone through my friends, but most live away from me and I honestly didn’t want to have to travel 30 minutes or so to the doctor’s office in the event my child was sick.
When I found the one I liked and had pretty awesome reviews, I called them up several different times. I remember my first question must have sounded like I was a blubbering idiot! I stated that I was due at the end of April with a baby and what I needed to know from them so the hospital had their info. All my hospital needed to know was who is the baby’s pedi. The pedi would need to ‘clear’ the baby before release from the hospital. I’m fairly certain that the hospital has a pedi on call anyway so if you don’t have one, you could always utilize the on call doc. However, you take the baby in for a 2 day post hospital visit and maybe then another week after.
The main points for me were the following:
Group or solo practice:
I opted for group practice with nurse practitioner. I actually end up using my N.P. more often than my main doctor. I choose to utilize one doctor out of the 4 there, but in the event of an emergency, I like the security of knowing there are multiple doctors at my and my child’s disposal!
Hours of service:
My doctor has hours M-F 8 am to 8 pm. They also have regular office hours on Saturday from 8 am to noon. Sunday they are open for emergency doctor appointments from 8 am to noon. Any times aside from that, they will send you to the ER but one of the doctors from the practice is always oncall for the hospital.
We really lucked out with this one. Our practice has two separate offices. Their one office changed locations when my DD was 3 months old, but the location was better as there was way more parking available. They are also both within about 20 minutes with traffic from my house, in separate directions, so if they say, “We can get you in soon, how long will it take for you to get here?” I know it will be sooner rather than later.
Nurse line:
This is another one I like. If I have a question, but don’t know if it warrants bringing in my child to the office, I can leave a message at the nurse’s station and have them call me back within 30 minutes. For example, my prescription was cut off and I can’t read the rest of the label, what are my directions for giving my child the medicine. Nine times out of ten they will want to see her if it’s in regards to something like a rash or constipation, but hey, if I don’t have to fork over that copay, I’d rather avoid it!
Bedside Manner:
This is more of a feeling than anything else. I get along greatly with everyone at the doctors’ offices. There might be one or two nurses or secretaries that I don’t really like, but can deal with. If you are freaking out because there is something wrong with your child, you don’t want them to react by saying, “Um, hey idiot parent, your child has X and I’m going to send you over to the hospital,” then don’t say another word about it. Unfortunately, the girls (and a few guys – actually I think the only males at the office are the actual doctors) know us all too well. We have been to the doctor’s approximately two times a month since August. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doctor or the nursing staff, listen to your gut. I think there is something to be said for a Mother’s Intuition. Also, doctors are human too. They can make mistakes, although costly, so if you feel something is off on their diagnosis, get a second opinion. Any good doctor will not be offended by this. In fact, when I see the N.P. and she feels that it is something more serious than she can determine correctly, she has had us wait to see one of the doctor’s.
Other thoughts that were more common sense to me:
Does this office take my insurance?
How is billing handled? Do you pay immediately, or do they bill you later?
Vaccinate, delay or none at all? Is the pedi okay with any or all of these?
Views regarding parenting choices on BF/FF, CIO/nonCIO
Wait time for appointments, not only scheduling, but from the actual time of the appointment until you see the doctor?
How many years has the doctor been practicing?
Also, are there a well kids waiting area and a sick kids waiting area? If you’re there with a healthy kid, you really don’t want to go home with a sick kid!!!
Any other things, I saw that BBC’s first year health guide doctor interview list was pretty helpful.
Another thing to remember is you can always change pedi’s if you don’t feel comfortable with one. There is one doctor at my office that I don’t feel 100% comfortable with, and that’s after several appointments with them. I try to schedule my well visit and sick visits with the other people in the office.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Baby Help Advice
1. Before baby
a. Take a photo of yourself before you leave for the hospital. I know you may not think you want that photo now, but you can always burn it/delete it later.
b. Make sure the carseat is installed properly
c. Crib is set up
d. Newborn and 3 month clothes are washed and ready to go. Baby might only be in newborns for a week or two (or you could be lucky baby will last up to 2-3 months in newborn clothes and diapers).
e. Some premade meals in the freezer. That way, no one will have to cook right after you get home.
f. Have your hospital bag packed, and make sure you have 2 outfits for baby to come home in. Baby may poop/pee/spit up on the original outfit so it’s always good to have a backup!
2. L&D and post hospital stay
a. Tell SO to throw the phone out the window while you’re in labor. Ignore everyone who is trying to call for updates, etc. If you want to announce it on Facebook, make sure you say, “Please don’t call/bug us while I’m in labor. We WILL let you know when the baby makes his/her grand arrival. Calling/texting during labor may slow the processes so please be patient!”
b. Kick out anyone when you get too tired. Don’t feel guilty.
c. Make sure you bring something to write who brought what gifts. Better yet, make SO do it!
d. Write up your L&D story for yourself (if it’s not too horrific) while hanging out there. You might not remember it all later.
e. Get sleep while you can. It’s exhausting later.
3. Getting home
a. Remember, the first night is the hardest. And thinking you’re prepared won’t help! I mean that with every ounce of love. I knew it was going to be hard, but nothing prepares you for lack of sleep all night with a crying baby!
b. Keep yourself in PJ’s or whatever makes you comfortable. Don’t feel you need to dress up when anyone comes to visit.
c. Don’t feel guilty
d. When people come to visit, have them either bring food, or do something at the house for you (cook dinner, make a sandwich, take a load of laundry to the washer/dryer, etc).
e. Don’t forget to kick people out if you’re too tired to entertain. Everyone will see the baby at some point. Don’t feel guilty, baby will NOT expire
f. Hormones will be crazy. It is normal to feel you are going nuts. You most likely are not, but if you feel you are, call the doctor in case of PPD. Just remember if you get too frustrated, put the baby down, and walk away. Get SO to take him for a bit, or just go hide in the bathroom for a minute or two until you regain your calmness. Sanity is important.
- Babies are like dogs (kinda). They can sense when you’re upset. So, when they start becoming upset, breathe, smile, and giggle with them. Smile at them while you’re calming them down.
h. Make sure SO helps you as much as possible. You will both be sleep deprived and probably fighting, but just try to remember you love each other and this doesn’t last forever!
i. Take photos like crazy. Make sure you videos too, if you have the ability. They sound different even 6 months later!
- Try to make sure you take monthly shots with cards saying “1 Month” “2 Months” etc, but you don’t have too. I didn’t but I knew exactly when I was taking the photos and made sure to date them in my computer folders.
j. Don’t forget to eat. Yes, you will forget.
k. Shower daily. It will be hard to find time to jump in the shower, especially when it’s just you and the baby. I used to bring the bouncer in the bathroom to take a quick one.
l. Get outside for a bit every day, even if it’s to sip coffee or juice on the porch. It will make you feel good not to be cooped up in the house all day.
m. You can’t always nap when the baby naps. So make sure you get at least one or two hours during the day to nap.
n. You won’t want to do anything for the first month. As much as I enjoy knitting, I had no desire to do it for the first 2 months then I didn’t feel like doing it until baby was around 4-5 months before I even picked up my knitting needles. It’s normal.
o. You will feel like a cow/milk machine. Newborns nurse every 1.5-3 hours. They clusterfeed at night too. Baby would nurse every hour on the hour from 4-7 at night.
p. Start a bedtime routine. I usually did nursing at one time, then reading to her in the rocking chair, then bath time (newborns don’t need one every night), then read to her upstairs in her room. The sooner you start this, the better.
q. Make sure baby can take a bottle before you take baby to daycare!!!
4. Diapers
a. Always keep a new diaper under the old one before changing the baby. NEVER stand in the line of fire. Girls, as well as boys, tend to have a far aim!
b. Keep the diaper held over baby until the absolute necessary time to remove it. You will get faster at it as you go!
c. Get used to the fact that you might go through 10-15 more diapers a day than normal when they decide to poop, and then poop again as your changing them. Just remember to wait to remove the old diaper until they’re completely done!
d. Get used to getting pooped, peed, or spit on. Always have an extra clean shirt nearby just in case.
e. Keep a spare outfit for the baby AND yourself with you at all times when you go out!
5. Pumping
a. Build up your stash before you go back to work. DO NOT wait until the day/week before to start stocking up. Even though it’ll be a pain, I’d say, wait 2 weeks after baby is born and do one pumping session a day. Don’t worry; you will produce enough even if you pump one extra time a day. However, every mom is different. I’ve had friends who could pump 10-12 oz in one session that I could pump 1-2 oz.
b. I have the medela free style (not the hands free kind). I find it easiest to use the bottles that came with the pump. Then I pour the milk into the bags. I feel like I waste a bag if I use them with the pump.
c. Milk will last 5-8 days in the fridge, then 3-6 months in a normal freezer. You can put it in the fridge for a few days then transfer it to the freezer if you don’t get to it in time. But don’t pull it out of the freezer to use it unless you use it within 24 hours.
- Thawing the breastmilk is easiest by heating a cup of water in the microwave, then putting the bag of milk in it. It should take about 5 minutes for it to thaw.
6. Breastfeeding
a. Lansinoh lanolin cream is a wonderful thing. I think there are other kinds but that’s the one I used. Put it on before AND after breastfeeding. Think of it like chap stick for your breasts. It will help prevent cracking. Don’t wait for the cracking to start. TRUST ME!
b. Do not be surprised if you aren’t able to stand under the shower because your breasts hurt. Not to scare you but it took almost 4 months for me to go back to normal with being able to deal with that. They also lie when they say you’ll be able to sleep on your stomach after the baby is born…
c. Drink a glass of water every time you breastfeed. It will help you to keep hydrated. I have a 20 oz bottle that I make sure I drink at every pumping session (right after), and every time I nurse. Even at night.
d. It will hurt to have the baby latch. Extremely bad. It will go away. When you think you won’t be able to do it, just think, I WILL get to the point where I can walk with baby and nurse. I think I was around 7.5 weeks before it finally didn’t hurt for baby to latch.
e. The moment you feel like you’re getting the flu with achiness, freezing for a few hours then dying of heat, you most likely have mastitis. Call the doctor ASAP and get antibiotics.
f. The easiest way to remove a clogged duct is to nurse like crazy!
7. Bath time
a. Leave the towel open on the floor before you put baby in the bath. That way, you won’t have to rush around to get the towel open when you pull baby out of the tub.
b. Have 2 washcloths on hand at all times.
c. Have a cup or something to pour water over baby’s head to get out all shampoo from hair.
d. Before a full bath, dip baby’s feet in the water with the diaper still on. Wait about 2 minutes before taking the diaper off to make sure baby doesn’t pee in the water because attempting to empty out a baby tub with a half wet infant is not fun or easy.
a. Take a photo of yourself before you leave for the hospital. I know you may not think you want that photo now, but you can always burn it/delete it later.
b. Make sure the carseat is installed properly
c. Crib is set up
d. Newborn and 3 month clothes are washed and ready to go. Baby might only be in newborns for a week or two (or you could be lucky baby will last up to 2-3 months in newborn clothes and diapers).
e. Some premade meals in the freezer. That way, no one will have to cook right after you get home.
f. Have your hospital bag packed, and make sure you have 2 outfits for baby to come home in. Baby may poop/pee/spit up on the original outfit so it’s always good to have a backup!
2. L&D and post hospital stay
a. Tell SO to throw the phone out the window while you’re in labor. Ignore everyone who is trying to call for updates, etc. If you want to announce it on Facebook, make sure you say, “Please don’t call/bug us while I’m in labor. We WILL let you know when the baby makes his/her grand arrival. Calling/texting during labor may slow the processes so please be patient!”
b. Kick out anyone when you get too tired. Don’t feel guilty.
c. Make sure you bring something to write who brought what gifts. Better yet, make SO do it!
d. Write up your L&D story for yourself (if it’s not too horrific) while hanging out there. You might not remember it all later.
e. Get sleep while you can. It’s exhausting later.
3. Getting home
a. Remember, the first night is the hardest. And thinking you’re prepared won’t help! I mean that with every ounce of love. I knew it was going to be hard, but nothing prepares you for lack of sleep all night with a crying baby!
b. Keep yourself in PJ’s or whatever makes you comfortable. Don’t feel you need to dress up when anyone comes to visit.
c. Don’t feel guilty
d. When people come to visit, have them either bring food, or do something at the house for you (cook dinner, make a sandwich, take a load of laundry to the washer/dryer, etc).
e. Don’t forget to kick people out if you’re too tired to entertain. Everyone will see the baby at some point. Don’t feel guilty, baby will NOT expire
f. Hormones will be crazy. It is normal to feel you are going nuts. You most likely are not, but if you feel you are, call the doctor in case of PPD. Just remember if you get too frustrated, put the baby down, and walk away. Get SO to take him for a bit, or just go hide in the bathroom for a minute or two until you regain your calmness. Sanity is important.
- Babies are like dogs (kinda). They can sense when you’re upset. So, when they start becoming upset, breathe, smile, and giggle with them. Smile at them while you’re calming them down.
h. Make sure SO helps you as much as possible. You will both be sleep deprived and probably fighting, but just try to remember you love each other and this doesn’t last forever!
i. Take photos like crazy. Make sure you videos too, if you have the ability. They sound different even 6 months later!
- Try to make sure you take monthly shots with cards saying “1 Month” “2 Months” etc, but you don’t have too. I didn’t but I knew exactly when I was taking the photos and made sure to date them in my computer folders.
j. Don’t forget to eat. Yes, you will forget.
k. Shower daily. It will be hard to find time to jump in the shower, especially when it’s just you and the baby. I used to bring the bouncer in the bathroom to take a quick one.
l. Get outside for a bit every day, even if it’s to sip coffee or juice on the porch. It will make you feel good not to be cooped up in the house all day.
m. You can’t always nap when the baby naps. So make sure you get at least one or two hours during the day to nap.
n. You won’t want to do anything for the first month. As much as I enjoy knitting, I had no desire to do it for the first 2 months then I didn’t feel like doing it until baby was around 4-5 months before I even picked up my knitting needles. It’s normal.
o. You will feel like a cow/milk machine. Newborns nurse every 1.5-3 hours. They clusterfeed at night too. Baby would nurse every hour on the hour from 4-7 at night.
p. Start a bedtime routine. I usually did nursing at one time, then reading to her in the rocking chair, then bath time (newborns don’t need one every night), then read to her upstairs in her room. The sooner you start this, the better.
q. Make sure baby can take a bottle before you take baby to daycare!!!
4. Diapers
a. Always keep a new diaper under the old one before changing the baby. NEVER stand in the line of fire. Girls, as well as boys, tend to have a far aim!
b. Keep the diaper held over baby until the absolute necessary time to remove it. You will get faster at it as you go!
c. Get used to the fact that you might go through 10-15 more diapers a day than normal when they decide to poop, and then poop again as your changing them. Just remember to wait to remove the old diaper until they’re completely done!
d. Get used to getting pooped, peed, or spit on. Always have an extra clean shirt nearby just in case.
e. Keep a spare outfit for the baby AND yourself with you at all times when you go out!
5. Pumping
a. Build up your stash before you go back to work. DO NOT wait until the day/week before to start stocking up. Even though it’ll be a pain, I’d say, wait 2 weeks after baby is born and do one pumping session a day. Don’t worry; you will produce enough even if you pump one extra time a day. However, every mom is different. I’ve had friends who could pump 10-12 oz in one session that I could pump 1-2 oz.
b. I have the medela free style (not the hands free kind). I find it easiest to use the bottles that came with the pump. Then I pour the milk into the bags. I feel like I waste a bag if I use them with the pump.
c. Milk will last 5-8 days in the fridge, then 3-6 months in a normal freezer. You can put it in the fridge for a few days then transfer it to the freezer if you don’t get to it in time. But don’t pull it out of the freezer to use it unless you use it within 24 hours.
- Thawing the breastmilk is easiest by heating a cup of water in the microwave, then putting the bag of milk in it. It should take about 5 minutes for it to thaw.
6. Breastfeeding
a. Lansinoh lanolin cream is a wonderful thing. I think there are other kinds but that’s the one I used. Put it on before AND after breastfeeding. Think of it like chap stick for your breasts. It will help prevent cracking. Don’t wait for the cracking to start. TRUST ME!
b. Do not be surprised if you aren’t able to stand under the shower because your breasts hurt. Not to scare you but it took almost 4 months for me to go back to normal with being able to deal with that. They also lie when they say you’ll be able to sleep on your stomach after the baby is born…
c. Drink a glass of water every time you breastfeed. It will help you to keep hydrated. I have a 20 oz bottle that I make sure I drink at every pumping session (right after), and every time I nurse. Even at night.
d. It will hurt to have the baby latch. Extremely bad. It will go away. When you think you won’t be able to do it, just think, I WILL get to the point where I can walk with baby and nurse. I think I was around 7.5 weeks before it finally didn’t hurt for baby to latch.
e. The moment you feel like you’re getting the flu with achiness, freezing for a few hours then dying of heat, you most likely have mastitis. Call the doctor ASAP and get antibiotics.
f. The easiest way to remove a clogged duct is to nurse like crazy!
7. Bath time
a. Leave the towel open on the floor before you put baby in the bath. That way, you won’t have to rush around to get the towel open when you pull baby out of the tub.
b. Have 2 washcloths on hand at all times.
c. Have a cup or something to pour water over baby’s head to get out all shampoo from hair.
d. Before a full bath, dip baby’s feet in the water with the diaper still on. Wait about 2 minutes before taking the diaper off to make sure baby doesn’t pee in the water because attempting to empty out a baby tub with a half wet infant is not fun or easy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Happy 54th Birthday, Mom!
Today marks what would have been my mom’s 54th birthday. There are the times that I’m overcome with emotion that she isn’t here with us, but she showed up today while I was driving. It’s was like her saying, “Um, duh, yes I am. I’m right here. I keep a close eye on you, your dad, and your brother, as well as everyone else I love and care about.” I had a whole conversation with her on my ride into work. Now, if you’ve never lost a loved one, you probably think I’m crazy. And I probably am. But in my heart, I know my mom still hangs out around. This is the first time in almost a year that I’ve felt her presence.
It was as if she was sharing how amazing the feeling of love is between a mother for her daughter. It is an amazing feeling. I love my daughter so much, and knowing, most likely, that my own mom felt that much love and care for me brings me to tears, especially now with the pregnancy hormones in full swing! Even as I was walking into work, Bean had her feet or knees pushing out on parts of my belly, and hurt. I joked with Bean and told her that she needed to move because she was hurting mommy. She did… to a spot that hurt worse. I just heard my mom say, “Well, you did tell her to move. And she did!” I swear if anyone was going past me, they’d think I was crazy for all my random smiling and laughing at myself.
My Aunt was over this past weekend, and we had a pretty good talk. Well, I should correct that. I talked, she listened. I realized I’m in such a good place now with regards to my mom’s passing. Granted, it’s been 11 + years. I miss my mom a lot, but at the same time, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if she were still here. It’s taken a lot to get to the point I’m at today. I know having a daughter of my own, and another daughter on the way, help tremendously. My husband has been so supportive of me on this whole scale. He knows what it’s like, unfortunately. He lost his dad 2.5 years before we met.
I no longer wonder and worry my mom isn’t proud of who I’ve become today. I know she is. I do wonder how our relationship would be if she were still here today. I try not to focus on that thought too much. There is no reason to wonder “what might have been”. It only causes heartache.
Peanut and I will share a cupcake over dinner today in memory of her. I will be telling my little girl of the amazing woman who gave birth to me, and made me into the woman I am today. I know she’s far too young to understand the words and the stories I will share with her, but I pray this can become a fun tradition to make an otherwise sad day, a happy remembrance one.
It was as if she was sharing how amazing the feeling of love is between a mother for her daughter. It is an amazing feeling. I love my daughter so much, and knowing, most likely, that my own mom felt that much love and care for me brings me to tears, especially now with the pregnancy hormones in full swing! Even as I was walking into work, Bean had her feet or knees pushing out on parts of my belly, and hurt. I joked with Bean and told her that she needed to move because she was hurting mommy. She did… to a spot that hurt worse. I just heard my mom say, “Well, you did tell her to move. And she did!” I swear if anyone was going past me, they’d think I was crazy for all my random smiling and laughing at myself.
My Aunt was over this past weekend, and we had a pretty good talk. Well, I should correct that. I talked, she listened. I realized I’m in such a good place now with regards to my mom’s passing. Granted, it’s been 11 + years. I miss my mom a lot, but at the same time, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if she were still here. It’s taken a lot to get to the point I’m at today. I know having a daughter of my own, and another daughter on the way, help tremendously. My husband has been so supportive of me on this whole scale. He knows what it’s like, unfortunately. He lost his dad 2.5 years before we met.
I no longer wonder and worry my mom isn’t proud of who I’ve become today. I know she is. I do wonder how our relationship would be if she were still here today. I try not to focus on that thought too much. There is no reason to wonder “what might have been”. It only causes heartache.
Peanut and I will share a cupcake over dinner today in memory of her. I will be telling my little girl of the amazing woman who gave birth to me, and made me into the woman I am today. I know she’s far too young to understand the words and the stories I will share with her, but I pray this can become a fun tradition to make an otherwise sad day, a happy remembrance one.
In loving memory of Carla N. Taft
Happy Birthday to the best woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in this lifetime. Even though you are no longer with us physically, I know your spirit surrounds us with your presence daily. Mom, you were the best teach I have ever known. I will be loving you forever and always.
There will be a day with no more tears
No more pain, and no more Fears
~Jeremy Camp~
"There Will Be A Day"
No more pain, and no more Fears
~Jeremy Camp~
"There Will Be A Day"
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Another Week down!
Wow, I’m now 24 weeks!!! I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going, as opposed to my first pregnancy with Peanut. I put myself on modified bedrest this past Sunday. Saturday, RoBrotz and I went to WWII weekend with the ‘Nut. We only walked around for a few hours and I made sure not to overdo it and kept hydrated. I still ended up with contractions going all day Saturday evening and into Sunday, sporadically. I had a bit of spotting that I noticed early Sunday morning. Bean was still moving just fine and contractions weren’t labor one.
I finally got into see the doctor, well, nurse practitioner, around noon Monday. She didn’t see anything that greatly concerned her, but decided to put me on a modified bedrest. I already had my 24 week appointment scheduled for Wednesday with my doctor, so I stayed home on Tuesday because nothing was changing.
I wasn’t used to being all alone all day. Normally, I'd work during the day and spend an hour, plus or minus, with DD in the morning and evenings. She normally goes to bed by 6 and I've got the house to myself until RoBrotz gets home around 8:30, if he's working at the office. So Tuesday, I dropped Peanut off at daycare in morning like normal, then came home and was on the couch until picking up her around 4:45 like normal times.
The NP called me back and since the cramping wasn’t letting up, she told me to go in for an ultrasound. I got to see Bean moving around so much. The technician had a difficult job getting the photos she needed because of so much movement. The funny thing was it wasn’t even that much for what I’m used to feeling! Bean was head down though, so that was a major bonus! And we double checked gender; definitely another little girl!!!
So on Wednesday morning, the doctor cleared me to go back to work. He said he wasn't seeing any bleeding. As far as the dizziness, I almost passed out in the office after I sat up from the exam. The doctor immediately told me that the way she's positioned will make standing up or even sitting up difficult, to do it slowly, and not to even lounge on my back – to always be turned to one side or another. And apparently for me to not become dehydrated during the summer being pregnant, I need around 8 bottles of water a day (that's around 160 oz!!) plus probably a bottle or two of gatorade. Guess my body loves water. Oh well, doing what I'll have to do. RoBrotz still wants me to stay off my feet as much as possible, but at least this means my OCD self can justify vacuuming the living room so we don't have cheerio or fig newton crumbs all over for ants to find. Doctor said that the ultrasound looked great and baby is doing fabulously! I felt like a hypochondriac though, sigh. I'll be going in again in 4 weeks for my next appointment. I get to do my glucose test done in 2 weeks as well. Hoping all goes well with that!
Aside from all that excitement, I'm doing alright. I finished up my first video editing job last night. We're getting some decent cash for it!!!! Basically, the one parent of a local high school volleyball team took pictures throughout the year and we put it all to music and burned it to a DVD to get handed out to the kids. It's not fabulous and I know I have a lot to learn about editing, but RoBrotz was like, I so need to get you more jobs like this. That would make up for me staying home if I did one a month, if we decide to go that route!!
Ooo, and I wore my cardigan I made to work today. I've gotten about 5 requests to make them. I said that I might only have time to do 2 this summer, but looks like I'm starting to get business!!! I'm so stoked. I guess all my praying has really paid off! I would love to get some extra quilts done too shortly. I’ve got a few to make in the next few months, so fingers crossed that they’ll also sell soon! I have a few baby sweaters/hats that I'm knitting up which should all be done by mid-July. Too many people are having babies in September!!! But it's all good! Knitting for babies is easy!
I finally got into see the doctor, well, nurse practitioner, around noon Monday. She didn’t see anything that greatly concerned her, but decided to put me on a modified bedrest. I already had my 24 week appointment scheduled for Wednesday with my doctor, so I stayed home on Tuesday because nothing was changing.
I wasn’t used to being all alone all day. Normally, I'd work during the day and spend an hour, plus or minus, with DD in the morning and evenings. She normally goes to bed by 6 and I've got the house to myself until RoBrotz gets home around 8:30, if he's working at the office. So Tuesday, I dropped Peanut off at daycare in morning like normal, then came home and was on the couch until picking up her around 4:45 like normal times.
The NP called me back and since the cramping wasn’t letting up, she told me to go in for an ultrasound. I got to see Bean moving around so much. The technician had a difficult job getting the photos she needed because of so much movement. The funny thing was it wasn’t even that much for what I’m used to feeling! Bean was head down though, so that was a major bonus! And we double checked gender; definitely another little girl!!!
So on Wednesday morning, the doctor cleared me to go back to work. He said he wasn't seeing any bleeding. As far as the dizziness, I almost passed out in the office after I sat up from the exam. The doctor immediately told me that the way she's positioned will make standing up or even sitting up difficult, to do it slowly, and not to even lounge on my back – to always be turned to one side or another. And apparently for me to not become dehydrated during the summer being pregnant, I need around 8 bottles of water a day (that's around 160 oz!!) plus probably a bottle or two of gatorade. Guess my body loves water. Oh well, doing what I'll have to do. RoBrotz still wants me to stay off my feet as much as possible, but at least this means my OCD self can justify vacuuming the living room so we don't have cheerio or fig newton crumbs all over for ants to find. Doctor said that the ultrasound looked great and baby is doing fabulously! I felt like a hypochondriac though, sigh. I'll be going in again in 4 weeks for my next appointment. I get to do my glucose test done in 2 weeks as well. Hoping all goes well with that!
Aside from all that excitement, I'm doing alright. I finished up my first video editing job last night. We're getting some decent cash for it!!!! Basically, the one parent of a local high school volleyball team took pictures throughout the year and we put it all to music and burned it to a DVD to get handed out to the kids. It's not fabulous and I know I have a lot to learn about editing, but RoBrotz was like, I so need to get you more jobs like this. That would make up for me staying home if I did one a month, if we decide to go that route!!
Ooo, and I wore my cardigan I made to work today. I've gotten about 5 requests to make them. I said that I might only have time to do 2 this summer, but looks like I'm starting to get business!!! I'm so stoked. I guess all my praying has really paid off! I would love to get some extra quilts done too shortly. I’ve got a few to make in the next few months, so fingers crossed that they’ll also sell soon! I have a few baby sweaters/hats that I'm knitting up which should all be done by mid-July. Too many people are having babies in September!!! But it's all good! Knitting for babies is easy!
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Bean Update - 23 Weeks
Another week down!!! I can’t believe it. This pregnancy is FLYING by. With Peanut, it felt like the weeks dragged on, but this time, the week is over before I’ve even had a chance to update my pregnancy book. Bean is doing great. I’m getting regular kicks now, when I wake up, around 9, then 11:30/noon, and then again around 6 while putting Peanut to bed, and finally a lot right before I fall asleep. Heartburn has started in full force, normally waiting until around 6 PM to start. I anticipate a full head of hair on this Bean!
At least I haven’t had any contractions again since last week. I can tell when I’m starting to feel under the weather, so I can modify what I’m doing so that I rest more often. Nesting/Organizing has kicked into full gear, which is ALWAYS nice! I’m sure MLBrotz is enjoying it. I am feeling pregnant though, now on most days! My energy isn’t where I’d like it, but at least I have SOME!
Peanut has another ear infection. Boo. We’ve finally been referred to an ENT doctor to look into have tubes put in her ears. UGH, but I guess I’ve always anticipated this. She’s been very fussy and clingy lately, but it could just be due to the ears. However, she finally cut her four canine (eye) teeth. She’s up to 16 whole teeth! Can you believe it? That girl’s got some chompers! It took her almost 2 whole weeks to get back to her normal sleep routine from our vacation. She even slept in until 7 AM this morning. I didn’t know what to do with myself!
At least I haven’t had any contractions again since last week. I can tell when I’m starting to feel under the weather, so I can modify what I’m doing so that I rest more often. Nesting/Organizing has kicked into full gear, which is ALWAYS nice! I’m sure MLBrotz is enjoying it. I am feeling pregnant though, now on most days! My energy isn’t where I’d like it, but at least I have SOME!
Peanut has another ear infection. Boo. We’ve finally been referred to an ENT doctor to look into have tubes put in her ears. UGH, but I guess I’ve always anticipated this. She’s been very fussy and clingy lately, but it could just be due to the ears. However, she finally cut her four canine (eye) teeth. She’s up to 16 whole teeth! Can you believe it? That girl’s got some chompers! It took her almost 2 whole weeks to get back to her normal sleep routine from our vacation. She even slept in until 7 AM this morning. I didn’t know what to do with myself!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Maternity Cardigan DONE!
Whew! I finally finished a KAL! The BSG girls were knitting cardigans for the month of May. Took me one month to finish it, but I did!! Woo hoo, go me! Here is what I have posted on Ravelry with what I did, and when.
5.1 - Started knit using the small size of 37.5 in bust.
- Decided to use a KFB for my m1 increases
5.1 - Started knit using the small size of 37.5 in bust.
- Decided to use a KFB for my m1 increases
5.3 - Button holes on 9th and 17th repeat
- Second skein started around row 16
- Second skein started around row 16
5.5 - Determined to make my increases only over the front and back of the cardigan, not the
sleeves. Increases would be done as follows:
K10; K3, YO (repeat 8x's); K46; K3, YO
(repeat 22x's); K46; YO, K3 (repeat 8 x's); K10
- 3 more rows of garter stitch before starting body and separating sleeves.
- do the first body row without doing lace - mistake on my part, but felt better to just start the lace pattern on row later.
- do the first body row without doing lace - mistake on my part, but felt better to just start the lace pattern on row later.
5.9 - Decided that I'll do lace 20-25 times depending on how it lays.
- Third skein started on end of 4th repeat
5.13 - Fourth skein started on middle of 11th repeat
5.19 - Fifth skein started on end of 19th repeat
5.23 - Completed lace pattern after 20 times and thought it was the appropriate length
5.26 - Worked garter stitch for 12 rows and cast off with larger needles
5.30 - Picked up sleeves and underarm 7 stitches, worked garter for 6 rows. Decreased 4 stitches for rows 1 and 3. Cast off with larger needles
5.31 - Weaved in ends, sewed on buttons. FINISHED!!!
I wasn't too happy with the weird bagginess on the arms. I saw one of the projects on ravelry had a different type of knitting on the last 3 rows of the garter stitch on the top part of the cardigan. If I make this again, I will definitely be using that guide. I'll just have to remember to find it!
Here's a view from the front!

Here's a view of the final product from the back!

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