Baby boy has arrived!!!
I woke up having mild and not painful contractions. No big deal as I've had them for weeks without any progress. I had my 39 week check up so I figured we'd have no change. On my way there, I ended up having 3 contractions, one that I pulled over for. Once at the doctor's, I was checked and was told I was at 2 cm and now 50% effaced and baby's head was engaged.
So hubby and I decided to hang out with our 2 little ladies at the park. I was still having contractions so we finally headed home around 12. Once home we managed to get both of the girls down for naps. I was getting contractions every 6 minutes for 40 seconds at a time around 3:30. Hubby told me to call the doctor, but I was still sure that nothing was happening. Well, the doctor told me to go head to the hospital.
Hubby and I checked into triage around 5. I was checked and still at 2-3 cm and 50%. But now my contractions were every 2 minutes for 45-60 seconds and getting more intense. I was checked again at 7 but again, only to 3 cm. Based on my pain level and consistency of contractions, they admitted me into my delivery room.
I was able to sit on the birthing ball for a while but the contractions were getting worse. All my contractions were in the back and around my lower abs. That sucked. Because I was fairly tired, I decided to get the stadol. I was checked before getting it and was around 4 cm. My doctor told the resident to check me in an hour and to call him as soon as I got to 5 cm. He didn't want to miss the birth considering he almost did with our second. Well, I was at 6 cm and 80% only an hour later.
Cue doctor being called to get in. By the time he arrived close to 11, I was now at 9 cm and 100% effaced. I was feeling the need to push, but baby was still a bit high. So my water was broken around 11:15, and I immediately felt a bit of relief from the pressure. Finally, at 11:30 I was ready to push, or at least, everyone else was ready for me to push.
I may have panicked a bit... But 4 pushes and 9 minutes later, our little baby boy was born. They attempted skin to skin contact with me, but I was in so much pain, I couldn't hold him. Thankfully, I didn't tear so no stitches were needed! Little man had a big noggin and they needed to vacuum him out (his heartrate also dropped when I pushed and they were afraid the cord was around his neck, luckily it wasn't).
He was born at 11:39 pm on November 6, 2013. He weighed in at 7lbs 9oz and measured 20" long. He was extremely hungry. I was rolled to my room at about 2 am. Hubby went home to be with the girls and to get some much needed rest! Me on the other hand...
We are dealing with a bit of a scare, as he stopped breathing for 20 seconds at 3:30 and had his O2 drop twice after and again around 7:30. His blood sugar was low as well, so they fed him formula there to get his levels back up. They'll need to do several more feedings with formula to double check his sugars stabilize. They're taking him to be monitored more in the NICU. Bah. At least our wonderful nurse who helped with Peanut's delivery is my nurse right now. She's being a Godsend. And I know pur hospital has an amazing NICU so he's in good hands. Hubby will be here soon with coffee and we'll go check out little man then.
We are dealing with a bit of a scare, as he stopped breathing for 20 seconds at 3:30 and had his O2 drop twice after and again around 7:30. His blood sugar was low as well, so they fed him formula there to get his levels back up. They'll need to do several more feedings with formula to double check his sugars stabilize. They're taking him to be monitored more in the NICU. Bah. At least our wonderful nurse who helped with Peanut's delivery is my nurse right now. She's being a Godsend. And I know pur hospital has an amazing NICU so he's in good hands. Hubby will be here soon with coffee and we'll go check out little man then.
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