Thursday, August 08, 2013

Power of a Positive Wife

I'm currently reading "The Power of a Positive Wife" by Karol Ladd.  For my friends who are Christian, I cannot recommend this book enough!  Over and over, I have been reading that we aren't responsible for someone else's happiness or actions, but we are responsible for our own response to others.  And I want to be a positive light in my husband's world. I want to do what I can to help contribute to my husband's happiness.  

For those who don't know, my hubby travels for work, often.  It's rare if he's working in the office for longer than 1 full week at a time, and even more rare for him to be able to work from home.  Which pretty much leaves everything around the home and with the kids to me.  It's okay.  I love being a stay at home mom and homemaker.  I'm the OCD organizer of the house.  You may not see it immediately when you walk in if the kids are awake and there are toys strewn about our entirely too small home.  But look at my closet, as it's organized by color then sleeve length.  Or take a peek into the dishwasher.  The glasses are sorted in the top rack by type and the plates in the lower and don't even get me started on having the silverware bin organized!

Yup, I enjoy cleaning.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's because it was basically a past time in my home growing up.  Seriously, you would have thought we were having Better Home and Gardens coming to photograph it daily.  But it was neat and organized, and I loved it.  I've had to take a step back now that we have small children running rampant in our home.  My dad continually tells me that I don't remember how disastrous our home was when my brother and I were little.  But I digress.  I get a sense of pride and satisfaction in having a clean and well organized home.

I've been out of sorts the past few months and I've let our home get cluttered.  I finally kicked my butt into gear last week when I finally had enough.  I have a million excuses why I'm allowed to let my house get messy; I've got an almost 2 and 3 year old, I'm 26 weeks pregnant, hubby is out of town, no one is coming to visit, our house is too small, we have too much stuff, potty training a 22 month old is a bit difficult and exhausting, the list goes on.  But it was making me twitch on an almost hourly basis.

Yesterday, I was so exhausted once 3 pm hit.  The dishes were piled in the sink, the toys were everywhere, and I could barely get myself off the couch long enough to get the 3 of us dinner and in bed.  I finally got the kids in bed and was settling in my own for some evening reading time.  Under the section of Domestic Diva, she talks about doing the dishes tonight and how awesome you'll feel when you wake up to a clean kitchen.  I knew she was right.  So, I dragged myself back downstairs to clean up the kitchen.  And I did feel awesome this morning when I came downstairs to a cleaned kitchen at 5:30 this morning instead of needing to clean it.

I now have a daily to-do list of things that need to be done each day in each room to make sure the house doesn't get too overwhelmingly disastrous.  I don't want to spend an entire day cleaning out a particular room (although without 2 small helpers, I could probably do it a bit quicker).  I also have a plan in place to do deep cleaning once a week (like dusting, moving furniture around to clean underneath) in each room, laundry, mending, and errands.  I like an organized home and schedule.  It doesn't mean I stick to my schedule 100%, but I write down an idea of things I'd like to get done so I don't feel like such a bump on a log at the end of the day.

I take great pride in my house.  And I like to have it done before the hubby gets home.  He jokes that he loves the decor of  the hotels he stays at and would love it if our room basically looked like one too!  So I take that into account when trying to keep our room neat and tidy.  I want him to come home and not feel like he has to do anything.  Granted, if I were working outside the home, our chores would be much different.  But my job is to stay home with the kids and take care of the home.  It's what works for US.  It doesn't work for everyone and that's what I love about this book.  She states to find the balance for what works in YOUR home. 

I will warn my nonChristian friends that this book is heavy on the scripture verses and what God wants from you in your marriage.  But it is definitely worth the read. 

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