Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Prep

Well, it's Monday morning and Hurricane Sandy is reported to be a nasty one as it collides with an arctic front coming from the northwest.  Honestly, aside from the bit of rain, it's the perfect temperature and humidity outside at the moment!  The wind isn't too bad, but it's expected to gust up to 70+ mph between today and tomorrow.  I just pray that the winds continue to come from the northeast.  We're in a twin and our roof points towards to the south.  Our neighbors just redid their roof last fall, and we're still waiting to re-do our roof.  I think their roof will be able to last better than our side!

As for the prep, it started on Friday.  I did our grocery and hardware store runs.  Three stores later, I might add because I kept forgetting items!  I swear, even with a list, I don't remember anything anymore.  I blame my adorable kiddos.  I stocked us full of the usual necessities, bread, snacks, drinks, etc.  I didn't need to stock on water since I have a filter here and filled up a few jugs here.   We're lucky that we already had a generator.  

Seriously people, if you live in an area that a possible storm could hit, get one before there's even a storm on the way.  Just be prepared!  The same should be said for food items too.  I'm not great at having a lot of extra food stored, mostly due to lack of space but the hubs and I would like to have an emergency kit with some medical supplies in the event that emergency personnel couldn't reach us for some reason.

Yesterday, we battened down the hatches.  Hubs tied down all the outdoor items, like the grill and trash/recycling cans.  We made a huge pot of gumbo and rice so we won't need to cook dinner.  In the event that we do lose power, we can always use our generator for the fridge and microwave.  We also have some pumpkin pies.  Because, seriously, who doesn't need some yummy pies during a hurricane?!?!

Oh, and did I mention that since the Giants won last night that the hubs has the next few days off?!?!  He got in late last night so I'm letting him sleep in.  It's kinda hard to keep two kiddos quiet in the morning.  Okay, time to go switch the diapers into the dryer and make some muffins before we lose power!  Everyone stay safe!

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