Bean’s Birth Story
I was induced for non medical reasons (hubby will be going away starting the end of this week for the entire month of October and into November). RoBrotz and I were scheduled to go into the hospital at 7 am. We had planned on both going to drop Peanut off at daycare early then heading over to the hospital. However, around 5:50, the hospital called and stated that there was a huge influx of women in active labor and asked that I wait at home and they would call me later to let me know when exactly to come in.
RoBrotz and I hung out at home. This gave us some time to hang out with Peanut, and enjoy being a family of 3 for only a bit longer. We took Peanut over to daycare around 8. I didn’t want her to miss breakfast over at daycare. That would be bad. We were attempting to keep her schedule as ‘normal’ as possible. The hospital called when I got home, and said that they’d have my room available for me at 11 am.
RoBrotz and I got to the hospital a bit after 11. They were just starting to clean up a few rooms so we ended up hanging out for about a half hour waiting. Finally, we were able to get into a room. The nurse came in after I was in the hospital gown to hook me up to the IV. Apparently, she was the best nurse to do IVs, but I have terrible veins. She ended up blowing my one vein in my arm (my arm looks very zombie like now), but was able to get it in my left hand. Hooray!
After being checked and told that I was around 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. Baby was still very high, around a -3 station. Finally, the resident was able to get ahold of the doctor and they started me on Pit. From around 1:30 until maybe 7, we were hanging out, chilling. DH was able to get food, etc and I was able to do some knitting and watching TV. My doctor was able to come in around 5 or 6. He said that I was still around 3 cm, at about 75-80%, and baby was around a -2, almost a -1. He informed me that once I hit a 0 station, they’d break my water and that should speed things along. Around 7:55, the resident came in and informed me I was 3-4 cm, 80% and at a 0 station. She went ahead and broke my water. With that, the contractions definitely got more intense.
At this point, I turned off the TV (well, we turned the volume down, because DH actually was watching the Phillies game). He put on some NeedToBreathe to help me concentrate through the contractions while he massaged my lower back. I definitely had some fun back labor. I was getting exhausted lying on my side, so the nurse decided to switch me to a birthing ball. The ball was fantastic and by rolling my hips back and forth while in between contractions, I was able to help shift Bean into a better position. All the while, DH was helping remind me to breathe better and massaging my back.
We shifted again to a standing position this time. In between these contractions, it was like RoBrotz and I were dancing. He kept making jokes but unfortunately, laughing hurt. It did help me deal with the pain though. After a bit, I didn’t want to stand anymore. My legs were giving out on me and I wanted to lie down. We decided for me to lay on my left side to labor. It helped to hear the music better. My breathing through the contractions were with the beat, which the nurse was impressed with. (Hey, DH and I met in a band, of course I’d be breathing with the beat!)
Finally, I felt better when I pushed a bit while contracting, and told the nurse such. I didn’t push hard, just enough to keep the edge off. At this point, I had requested the Stadol. My nurse gave me an extremely low dose. I remember seeing the time at 9:40 and thinking, oh man, I need to get through this, only a few more hours!!! I honestly thought Bean wouldn’t be born until after midnight.
The nurse had called the doctor and he showed up around 9:45. RoBrotz even thought he’d say, “okay, she’s at a 8-9” but instead, we were told, “Okay, it’s time to push.” The first contractions, I was still on my side, but we were able to get me onto my back to push in between the contractions. I pushed the first time, but didn’t hold out and ended up yelling at the end. The doctor reminded me to keep the sound internalized and instead use that urge to push. One more push and I felt her head come out. I definitely felt that “ring of fire” that people talk about, but I remember telling myself that as soon as she’s out, it’ll be over. The final push, and the rest of the Bean was out. I pushed for 6 minutes and after those 3 pushes, Bean was born on 9/22/11 at 9:58. 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 in.
I was in shock. I didn’t expect to be in such control. It took me a while to get it through my head that I had actually given birth and could think through it. I even remembered delivering the placenta. It was so surreal. I was actually able to get up and shower only hours after delivering. It was a fabulous delivery and honestly, gives me faith that I can do it all again if we decide to have another in a few years.
Bean’s taken to nursing like a champ. Peanut is enjoying being a big sister. Now, if I could convince myself to get some sleep. I really couldn’t have done it so well without RoBrotz and my awesome nurse. My doctor even said he had to double check to make sure I didn’t have an epidural because I was in that control of my body. I was thrilled with my delivery and it went perfectly. And now I have my beautiful little girl #2!
I was induced for non medical reasons (hubby will be going away starting the end of this week for the entire month of October and into November). RoBrotz and I were scheduled to go into the hospital at 7 am. We had planned on both going to drop Peanut off at daycare early then heading over to the hospital. However, around 5:50, the hospital called and stated that there was a huge influx of women in active labor and asked that I wait at home and they would call me later to let me know when exactly to come in.
RoBrotz and I hung out at home. This gave us some time to hang out with Peanut, and enjoy being a family of 3 for only a bit longer. We took Peanut over to daycare around 8. I didn’t want her to miss breakfast over at daycare. That would be bad. We were attempting to keep her schedule as ‘normal’ as possible. The hospital called when I got home, and said that they’d have my room available for me at 11 am.
RoBrotz and I got to the hospital a bit after 11. They were just starting to clean up a few rooms so we ended up hanging out for about a half hour waiting. Finally, we were able to get into a room. The nurse came in after I was in the hospital gown to hook me up to the IV. Apparently, she was the best nurse to do IVs, but I have terrible veins. She ended up blowing my one vein in my arm (my arm looks very zombie like now), but was able to get it in my left hand. Hooray!
After being checked and told that I was around 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. Baby was still very high, around a -3 station. Finally, the resident was able to get ahold of the doctor and they started me on Pit. From around 1:30 until maybe 7, we were hanging out, chilling. DH was able to get food, etc and I was able to do some knitting and watching TV. My doctor was able to come in around 5 or 6. He said that I was still around 3 cm, at about 75-80%, and baby was around a -2, almost a -1. He informed me that once I hit a 0 station, they’d break my water and that should speed things along. Around 7:55, the resident came in and informed me I was 3-4 cm, 80% and at a 0 station. She went ahead and broke my water. With that, the contractions definitely got more intense.
At this point, I turned off the TV (well, we turned the volume down, because DH actually was watching the Phillies game). He put on some NeedToBreathe to help me concentrate through the contractions while he massaged my lower back. I definitely had some fun back labor. I was getting exhausted lying on my side, so the nurse decided to switch me to a birthing ball. The ball was fantastic and by rolling my hips back and forth while in between contractions, I was able to help shift Bean into a better position. All the while, DH was helping remind me to breathe better and massaging my back.
We shifted again to a standing position this time. In between these contractions, it was like RoBrotz and I were dancing. He kept making jokes but unfortunately, laughing hurt. It did help me deal with the pain though. After a bit, I didn’t want to stand anymore. My legs were giving out on me and I wanted to lie down. We decided for me to lay on my left side to labor. It helped to hear the music better. My breathing through the contractions were with the beat, which the nurse was impressed with. (Hey, DH and I met in a band, of course I’d be breathing with the beat!)
Finally, I felt better when I pushed a bit while contracting, and told the nurse such. I didn’t push hard, just enough to keep the edge off. At this point, I had requested the Stadol. My nurse gave me an extremely low dose. I remember seeing the time at 9:40 and thinking, oh man, I need to get through this, only a few more hours!!! I honestly thought Bean wouldn’t be born until after midnight.
The nurse had called the doctor and he showed up around 9:45. RoBrotz even thought he’d say, “okay, she’s at a 8-9” but instead, we were told, “Okay, it’s time to push.” The first contractions, I was still on my side, but we were able to get me onto my back to push in between the contractions. I pushed the first time, but didn’t hold out and ended up yelling at the end. The doctor reminded me to keep the sound internalized and instead use that urge to push. One more push and I felt her head come out. I definitely felt that “ring of fire” that people talk about, but I remember telling myself that as soon as she’s out, it’ll be over. The final push, and the rest of the Bean was out. I pushed for 6 minutes and after those 3 pushes, Bean was born on 9/22/11 at 9:58. 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 in.
I was in shock. I didn’t expect to be in such control. It took me a while to get it through my head that I had actually given birth and could think through it. I even remembered delivering the placenta. It was so surreal. I was actually able to get up and shower only hours after delivering. It was a fabulous delivery and honestly, gives me faith that I can do it all again if we decide to have another in a few years.
Bean’s taken to nursing like a champ. Peanut is enjoying being a big sister. Now, if I could convince myself to get some sleep. I really couldn’t have done it so well without RoBrotz and my awesome nurse. My doctor even said he had to double check to make sure I didn’t have an epidural because I was in that control of my body. I was thrilled with my delivery and it went perfectly. And now I have my beautiful little girl #2!

Family of 4!