Thursday, August 18, 2011

34 Weeks with Bean!

Well, I cannot believe that I'm 34 weeks today. The time has definitely flown by. Only about 5 more weeks to go. I'm not positive if I'm ready for another newborn, but I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. I've been a bit mopey in the past week. Not mopey like I'd do something dumb, just nothing has interested me, a lot of random crying spells over nothing, worrying that my house is a disaster (and the more I think about this, the more I realize I'm being dumb!), and just other slightly meh factors I wonder about. I'm going to go get some blood work done and make sure I'm not becoming anemic or having any other issues.

Here's a few photos of me and the Bean (and a few with the 'Nut too):

34 Weeks with little Miss Bean!

Peanut's getting excited for her little sister!

The ladies of the house!

Last night, I was lucky that it wasn't raining. SIL and FBIL came over and were able to get the old desk. It was definitely light enough that FBIL was able to get it down the stairs and out the door all by himself! Woo hoo. Which meant, I was able to put the bookshelf/storage shelf together in Bean's room. I only had one little mishap, I put the center piece on upside down, so after I had it almost fully done, I realized that the shelving holes didn't line up, and the latch premade holes were towards the back of the bookshelf. Ugh, and after I had already screwed in the backing particle boards! Oh well, I was able to get it in the right way with only minimal issues and about 10 minutes. There are some small screw holes in the front, but hey, I'll find some cute sticks and put them over top! :::Hangs head in shame::: Well, here's a crappy photo taken with my phone though. I can't wait to finish the room and get all her clothes together!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bean Room Update

So, we've been slowly but surely getting the Bean's room put together. And by 'we', I mean, 'I'. RoBrotz has been out of town a lot recently with work. I think they're trying to utilize him as much as possible before I end up out on maternity leave, since we're not positive when that'll start. Not to mention, he has a band gig coming up next weekend that he and the boys have been prepping for. However, this ends up leaving little time for him to help do anything around the house. Honestly, I'm not writing that to complain, only to show that there's a reason why we're slacking on her room. Poor little Beanie Baby!!!

Anywho, this past weekend, I was able to finally get the crib together. I had purchased a few items for Bean's room last week from Amazon and received it all by Friday (woohoo - gotta love quick deliveries being on Amazon Mom). I initially wanted to get the bookshelf/storage cabinet put together for her room. I figured until the current desk gets moved out of there, I didn't want to 'clutter' up the room too badly. So I ended up putting the crib together. It took me longer than I anticipated, and after screwing and unscrewing the one bar 4 separate times, I finally got it all in place. Now this one is an older crib we received with a dropside, BUT I made sure it was secured and we won't be using the dropside portion of the crib.

SIL and FBIL may come pick up the desk tomorrow afternoon, pending the weather. It's been super rainy here, and they have an open truck to move it. Thus rain equals no desk moving. Arg! But it's not their fault!!! I know SIL is wanting to move it as much as I do with her nesting in overdrive! I can't believe she's due in 3 weeks. I'm hoping for her sake she goes early (just not too early - obviously!!! We don't want her little girl coming before she's ready).

So here's a breakdown of the list of stuff I've been slowly crossing off the list!

Peanut's Room
~Fold all laundry and put away
~Move changing table and dresser into Bean's room (not moving any furniture)
~Dust & Vacuum (but always needs it each week)

Bean's Room
~Put remainder of boxes in basement closet under the stairs
~Put record player and other small shelf in basement
~Move desk to basement or put in storage (SIL is picking this up hopefully tomorrow!)
~Vacuum and steam vacuum carpet
~Get crib from Dad’s and set up
~Move in dresser from Peanut's Room (purchasing a new changing table/dresser for Bean)
~Move changing table in from Peanut's Room (see above)
~Pick up closet organizers (already purchased a bookshelf/storage unit for Bean's room)
~Go through clothes in bin in Peanut's room (already put in Bean's room) to be put away in Bean's room

~Move items out of cardboard boxes and into storage bins
~Reorganize band equipment in storage area
~Move band crap from closet under the stairs
~Place remainder of boxes from Bean's room in closet under the stairs
~Throw away anything in storage area that can be thrown out
~Put together work out bench
~Clean sheets on Futon
~Pick up and organize
~Dust & vacuum

Monday, August 15, 2011

Very Busy Crafty Month

I've been working on Peanut's Blueberry Jam Toddler Cardigan. I'm making it in the 18 month size of Diane Soucy's Easy Baby Cardigan. I hope that Peanut will be in 18 month clothing this winter. We shall see!!! I was stopped for a few days because I realized I didn't have size 7 DPN and I was rounding out using the remainder of my second skein of yarn, the Cotton Supreme Batik in Blueberry Jam. I was able to finally get to The Knitter's Edge and pick up another skein in the same dye lot as well as a set of size 7 DPN. Now to get on doing the sleeves of the cardigan! Here's it with no sleeves!
In the mean time, while I was waiting to find the time to hit up the knitting store, I decided that Bean needed a matching cardigan. I started it in the Pink Lemonade colorway and I'm hoping I only need 2 skeins of this color for the 6 month size. If it weren't for attempting to match up the sleeves with the color changes, it wouldn't have been a big issue with Peanut's outfit. I'm calling it her Watermelon Candy Baby Cardigan, because it looks like Watermelon more than Pink Lemonade to me!I'm also in the mist of knitting with the Westknits Myserty Shawl KAL 2011: Earth & Sky by Stephen West. I'm very excited to see how my shawl will turn out! A few others in the BSG FPB group were doing it, and I wanted to keep up with them with my knitting so I figured, I had the two String Theory Caper Sock Yarns in both Black Tulip and Black Cherry. I've been looking for an excuse to knit with these two yarns. Plus, it had given me an excuse to run over to K.E. and purchase another skein of this yarn to go with my knitting! Each week, we're given a clue for how this shawl will turn out. I will state that I was tricky and decided to wait until I saw how other people's shawls were turning out before deciding which colors went where!!!! I'm really enjoying watching the progress. I'm on Clue #3, and that means that I basically make what I have with row of the purple and green, then another row of red/purple, green/purple, red/purple. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm hoping to have this clue done by Friday at the latest, but that'll be pushing my knitting ability at home at night! I'd bring this with me to work on at lunch, but it's hard to keep track of 3 balls of yarn at once at home, let alone toting them with me to work. Here's to fingers crossed that I can get a few more things done knitting wise this month!!! Instead, I'll drag my Baby and my Toddler Cardigans around with me!!!

Here are my three colors. Color A is Black Cherry (the red), Color B is Grove (the green), and Color C is Black Tulip (the purple)

Here is the what I have on my needles after clue #1 was completed!

Here's what I had on my needles after Clue #2 was completed.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Nesting Has Taken Over!

Well, I had great motivation to get some crap done this past week!!! I had my MIL's carpet cleaner for the past few weeks. It was a wonderful thing. I still wanted to deep clean my living and dining areas, as well as Bean's room. I hadn’t been able to do Bean's room because there was still a bunch of crap in there. However, a friend of mine came over on Friday to help me move stuff down to the basement closet (thank goodness RoBrotz decided to finally clean out the closet and move all his music crap into the storage portion of the basement). SIL had her roommate moving out on Saturday, so she wanted the carpet cleaner this past weekend (she's due 3 weeks before me). Thus, I now had an absolute reason to get my butt off the couch and deep clean the carpets this week.

I worked on my living room on Wednesday evening. I managed to have everything out of the room, minus the two sofas stuffed in one corner of the room, and the TV stand. There was no way I was moving the TV. Way too expensive if it had been dropped (wouldn’t have been the first time I dropped a TV...) while being moved. I vacuumed the entire room, then used the carpet shampooer on the whole room. I ended up refilling the water four separate times. It was really gross but I’m thankful I finally buckled down and did it!

Well, I woke up early on Thursday before Peanut. I went downstairs, after checking that my neighbors (we live in a twin) weren’t home) and vacuumed the whole room before moving the furniture back into place. I then moved the sofas out of the way and cleaned that area. After Peanut went to bed last night, I moved the dining room around. The table went into the kitchen, as did a few odds and ends that were lying around. The chairs went into the living room. I then vacuumed the floor followed by the carpet shampooer! Once again, this morning, I got up early and vacuumed up the floor and moved the furniture back to its correct place.

Friday, I took a half day at work. My friend came over and I planned on making good use out of her young, non-pregnant butt (too bad she had a slight cold)! We were able to get the whole room packed up (what was left of it) and moved all the boxes into the basement in less than 45 minutes! We weren’t able to move one of the boxes down because it was way too heavy for either of us, and I definitely didn’t want her to hurt herself. RoBrotz has an old UPS thingy for the computer that is so massively heavy that I wasn’t able to move it anywhere. I made him promise it will be out of there within 2 weeks. We’ll see...

My Dad was able to come up and bring the crib and mattress with him yesterday. RoBrotz didn’t have a chance to set it up, but hey, at least it’s in the room!!! I put up a few of the pink, purple, and blue polka dots on the wall that will have the desk/changing table. I think it looks cute. I still have the tree decal to put up, but I’d like to wait until after the crib is together and the dresser is set up. I’m thinking that we’ll definitely move Peanut’s baby dresser into the room, and move RoBrotz’s old dresser into Peanut’s room, as her room is much larger than the baby’s room!

So much to do, and so little time to do it all in!!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

32 Weeks!

Bigger belly, more uncomfortable!!! But lots of knitting time! Here's my belly!