I'm 38 weeks! Holy cow, where did the past 9 months go? I need to remind myself that I'm almost done. And yea, it does not feel like that. Rolling out of bed is hard (seriously, it's ridiculous!!), getting up from being seated for longer than 20 minutes is difficult. Heck, even walking can be painful! But I'm trying to keep a happy face because I know in the end, I get my little girl and it's all worth it!
Rob and I went to the doctor’s today for my 38 week check up and an ultrasound to measure the Peanut. Well, she's doing great, good heartbeat, and moving like crazy still. No change in regards to positioning or cervical things. But our little Peanut is no longer a little peanut. She’s measuring at 7.5 lbs roughly. The u/s can be up to a half pound off, but really! I was expecting to hear 6 maybe 6.5 lbs. LOL, and then I went, "Well, that's great, because I've only gained ~20 lbs so most of that is the baby, Sweeeeet!!" At least she's healthy and apparently very happy hanging out. So Rob and I have finally told ourselves that she's going to end up coming late and we'll just deal with it. What else can we do? Honestly?
The doctor did recommend for me to get at least 30 minutes in each day of walking or some other form of exercise. That shouldn't be too much of a problem now that it's getting nice out again. Lots of trails and paths to walk around here, but Rob laughs at my slow waddle! He's so nice that way. At least he's able to make me smile through all of this and he does do lots of sweet things. He does laugh at my jiggling belly, my nonexistent intelligence, slowness, crazy appetite that’s over after 2 bites, and basically everything that really is funny but you shouldn't laugh at the pregnant girl stuff.
I do have to say how aggravating hearing people at work saying, "are you still here?!?!" "didn’t you have the baby yet?" "Aren’t you miserable being here?" It's such a pain in the butt. I really want to snap at them and say, "Yup, had the baby last night, but I figured I'd come in today anyway..." Seriously, I know people are trying to be nice and make conversation, but after hearing it from 20-40 people in about 15 minutes, it's Old and Fast!! I just remind people that I'm not due for another 2 weeks at least and I plan on working up to the day I deliver (which might be a week after she’s due!). Just smile and nod, is what my Dad always told me! Oh, and the amusing calls I get all the time asking if I've had the baby yet. Don't worry, I'm sure Rob'll have it either posted to Facebook within minutes of Peanut's arrival or have called everyone in a 50 mile radius!!!