I woke up with contractions pretty different and painful. I decided to stay out of work and at least call the doctor's office. I knew they weren't open until 8:30 so I waited. I assumed it was another false alarm. Well, after going to the doctor's around 10 (not getting in until 10:30) I came back home to meet Rob since I was 80% and 2-3 cm. Got into my room in L&D around noon. Contractions weren't increasing or anything and I wasn't progressing so the dr broke my water at 1:40. Contractions actually slowed down a bit after that and didn't get any more intense. By 4, I was only at 3-4 and the dr ordered me to start on Pitocon. I was on Stadol twice between 5 and 7ish. I definitely wanted the epidural by then, but I never ended up getting it. I was told later that the anesthesiologist was busy with a woman who was attempting to deliver twins vaginally then c-section, then ended up with vaginally and he never made it to me. I went from 5 cm to 8 in 20 minutes... So I pushed about 9 or 10 times in about a half hour, and Peanut was born!!!! She was crying, well, more waaahhhing than crying.
I did feel myself tear, but it was in the front. I was not expecting to feel it tear. So after, I needed to be stitched, but they said they weren't deep. However, they ran out of the numbing solution so I felt the stitches. After about an hour, I started feeling pretty lightheaded all of a sudden so I had Rob go out and get the nurse. Apparently I was having a clotting problem and too swollen. I had to have the doctor go in and remove the clots that weren't allowing my uterus to contract. Again, no meds.... that hurt worse than anything else, and then they realized that I hadn't emptied my bladder so I got catheterized too. Finally after all that was done it was about 3 or so in the morning.
Good news is, I'm doing great now. Peanut is breastfeeding like a champ too!!!! She's been really quiet and sleeping a lot. Rob's been awesome with taking care of both her and I! Oh, and our nurse was AMAZING. She made it so much better for me and kept the air light and funny. She even prayed with us before Peanut came!
The first night home was a bit rough, but I think we're figuring it out. She's currently sleeping in her little bouncer right next to me and I might even get a few minutes of shut eye tonight! I can only hope!!!!!