I was in the hospital again Saturday night with contractions 3-4 minutes apart. Still no progress with cervical changes so I'm not in "labor" but it sure feels like it. I'm still having contractions about 15 minutes apart sometimes less, sometimes more. It sucks, but what can you do. I'm still hanging out and just waiting. Basically, unless they get so unbearable that I can't walk/stand or my water breaks, I'm just going to go about my daily business. I'm not going to lie, it SUCKS. I'm tired because I'm waking up every hour or less with them or Peanut kicking me (even last night, I was laying on one side and she woke me up because I must have been squishing her, so I explained to her that she'd have a whole heck of a lot more room if she just sucked it up and came out!), the contractions hurt, but the worst part is I can't think when having them. My brain pretty much just shuts up and I can't form coherent sentences... Which is why I'd rather email or text than talk on the phone. It's hard to have a conversation when you have to stop every 3 minutes. Oh, and yes, I'm still working.
I was at the doctor's yesterday, still no progress. I'll be having an ultrasound to see exactly how big Peanut's measuring (weight and length) and to check the fluid around her next Wednesday, April 7th, if she doesn't come out sooner. I ended up losing a couple pounds this past week too. The doctor's not worried but he did say that when you start losing is when they say you're in labor... Unfortunately they cannot induce me until 39 weeks at least unless it's medically necessary, if she's big enough. Peanut's doing great and I'm doing alright so there's no medical reason to induce at this point. So I'm just holding my breath until either my water breaks or next Wednesday. At least now, I'm considered Full Term, even though I'm about 3 weeks from my due date.
I keep telling Peanut how popular she already is and how many people cannot wait to meet her. Daddy is getting extremely ansty to meet her as well. I'm still getting blamed for "keeping the Peanut hostage", but honestly, I'd love to meet her. I know she'll come out when she's good and ready, and I certainly don't want her coming out if her lungs aren't fully developed. I'm not that selfish. I want her to come out soon, but only if she's healthy and ready. Though trying to push her to come out sooner would be good. And hey, if she wants to be here by Easter, I'd be okay with that too. Guess we're just going to play the waiting game for now.